What scenario to justify my next purchase?

Willie Lowman

New member
I am beginning to feel the itch to buy a new hand gun. I just haven't decided on what excuse to use to use for the "what did you get this one for" question.

I don't have to many small guns. I could get a compact or sub-compact and claim it to be a carry gun.

Only two magnums in my safe. I might find another powerful wheel gun and claim it is for hunting deer or protection from the elusive wild boars.

Home defense is easy to fall back on. Glock 22s are so over. A new .45 USP or FNP in .45ACP is really what is called for to keep the bad guys at bay.

Pistol competition is a blast and there are so many categories to compete in. I don't have a pistol with a mag well funnel and a little red dot sight yet...

I just haven't made up my mind on what wild "I had to have it because" story I want tell when it (whatever it may be) comes out of the safe :D
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New member
Buy the one that is "ON SALE" at the local gun store. Hey it was "on sale" at a price that just could not be beat. So now I have a gun for _________. (Insert use for justification)


New member
I am beginning to feel the itch to buy a new hand gun.

That is enough to rationalize it right there. I stopped what you are doing years ago. I fancy a gun enough to buy it, I buy it. I just don't seem to get all that excited anymore. Like the New Ruger SR1911, I'm kinda to the point of "So What"

I've actually been selling off a few safe queens and buying reloading stock.


New member
I assume the justification you are talking about is the one given to a family member, not yourself.

In that case, just buy so many that they can't tell one from the other anymore. What works really well is to stuff random gun related junk in the safe, like rifle bags and ammo cans and such. That way it looks full. Then slowly replace the random junk with guns. Since it looks stuffed all the time they can't tell you are adding guns. Start with a really big safe if you want this to work and last a long time.... Of course this doesn't work if they like guns nearly as much as you do, but if they are mostly disinterested it should work fine.


New member
How about this: I own insert type of gun here because I like it and I can afford it. Really I think that's all the justification that any of us should ever need.


New member
Posts 4,5 and 6 give you great answers and strategies for your purchases. (I suggest that anyone that suspects they will ever have to 'justify' a purchase should write them down and post them on the inside of their gun safe.)

For myself my rationalization is:

‘I didn’t have one of those’

but please realize that I am FLEXIBLE in my response to meet whatever situation arises! That means I can tailor my response to be:

‘I only had ONE of those.’
‘I didn’t have ENOUGH of those.’

or depending on who is asking and what it is I’ve just purchased I can give them an exasperated look and reply with the ever popular, ‘Well, DUH!’


New member
My rationalization to buy this one was that at the time I didn't own a nickle gun. That and the fact that I got a good price and it was local was ll it took.


Model 57-1 6" Nickle.


New member
Well, if you need justification you aren't fully hooked like many of us. You still have time to sell all your guns, and take a pottery class!

My reasons, not justifications vary all over the place. From "I don't have a 10MM, and don't have a Glock" which lead to my G20. To I want one just to see if they are as bad as so many say they are. That got me a Hi-Point C9.


New member
About every other or every third gun purchased is for my wife. She stays happy. I stay happy. I even get to shoot her guns.


New member
and take a pottery class!

I did that, but only made clay guns...

Wife is taking the class soon, daughter will too. Then I got to get them both a carry setup. Now that will be fun. They both shoot, but see a need to be armed these days. I agree too. Just wont get em as upset as I usually do...


New member
I shot full size Civil War cannons for a number of years . . . one time I told my wife that I was thinking of buying a full size 10 pound Parrot Rifle . . . she obviously wasn't too keen on that . . . it made the next handgun purchase seem like an everyday event . . . :D


New member
"I paid cash and they gave me this gun." usually works for me. Sometimes, you just got to have a gun even if you don't have a reason.


New member
I learned a long time ago that life is simply TOO short to not 'pull the trigger' if you will. Provided one is being financially sensible and sufficient funds are 'available,' go for it and don't look back. One thing about guns is that you can always get most of if not more than what you paid for it down the road if the need should arise.

Along these lines, I was at Cabela's last weekend and I heard fellow patrons buying stuff prior to BO's pending/possible re-election and the seemingly inevitable forthcoming gun control measures to be enacted thereafter. There's always an 'excuse' or 'reason' which will vary from individual to individual.



New member
I'm with arentol on this. I believe the OP is referring to the need to justify to a spouse or other family member with whom peace is highly recommended. I also like his suggestion best:

just buy so many that they can't tell one from the other anymore

This is the second best approach to longtime coexistence, the ideal approach being "it's my money and I'll buy whatever I friggin want to buy." But as a marriage counselor, I know sometimes it takes awhile to get to that place. In fact, we often have a name for this type of guy: Widower


New member
excuse to buy

just put a lampshade on it, tell the wife it's for the livingroom and when she says stick in the garage, stop by the gun safe. Put the lampshade in the garage for the next purchase.


New member
Actually my wife gave up complaining about my gun purchases when I pointed out all the crap she has from QVC that's worth about 10% of what she paid. Then I showed her several of my milsurps that are worth 2X what I paid. Also I told her that non of my guns have gone down in value!

(Of course she's never seen my TFL signature line. We'll just keep that a little secret, right?)