What range do you usually shoot deer at

Average range for deer hunting

  • Less than 100yds

    Votes: 57 67.9%
  • Between 100yds and 150yds

    Votes: 19 22.6%
  • between 150yds and 200yds

    Votes: 6 7.1%
  • between 200yds and 250yds

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • between 250yds and 300yds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Over 300yds

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters


New member
I shoot out to about 200 yrds. I will make some people mad on this subect, because people alwayssay that if you can take a 600 yrd shoot and make a humain kill them its ok and ethical and it may be ok but its not hunting. I know that some of the goats are hard to get close too and out west long shots are normal but I also know guys who hunt in those areas that also get short shoots. I can also punch paper at 400 yrds but I would not take a shoot on a deer from there. This is just my opinion but I feel that in most situations with deer if you can get closer that than 300 yrds it may be time to learn to hunt them better. Ill leave the long range shoots for the range were im just shooting stuff because at most long distances that is all it is, shooting stuff, not hunting. If I lived in a rifle state I may extend to 250 yrds. (I also hunt soybean and corn fields alot)


New member
What range do you usually shoot deer at

Matter of fact, the deer seem to avoid going to the range where I shoot since one was shot there (not by me).;)


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New member
I've never fired a shot at a deer that was more than 75 yards away. Not by choice....the opportunity just hasn't presented itself. Usually hunt in somewhat thick woods. Although, I saw one crossing a wide-open field once. I shot it, but it was only about 75 yards away. One day I'd like to get a longer shot on one - say 200 yards or so. Just so I can use a little of the potential of my scoped, bolt-action Tikka .308.


New member
armalite 300 win mags rule

i have shot 3 deer in the last fortnight below 50 yards, but have taken them at 800 with my armalite it really depends where youre shooting, but remember you can never have to many guns.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The deer around here are so far off that you gotta put salt on the bullet so the meat won't spoil before you get up to 'em.

Serously, though, sometimes these mulies, ya gotta step on 'em before they'll move. Other times, your first sight will be at three or four hundred yards, and he's in fifth gear and wide open throttle.