What model/brand is the smallest 45acp??


New member
Want to get a pocket size pistol...auto..and would like to stick with .45acp caliber...

.. just trying to figure out who makes the smallest one.


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Semmerling LM4. They're not exactly autos but kinda, sorta close and certainly small.
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New member
Scimmia said:
... AMT Backup
On The Nosey..!!



New member
I'm not particularly fond of Kahr, but they offer acceptable quality guns. I would say they offer the smallest .45 I would trust (to a certain degree).


New member
I'd have to agree with Kahr for this one, although they're not my favorite.

Had an AMT backup years ago, sold it, and never regretted letting it go.


New member
I have a Kahr P45. It is a touch larger than the PM45 mentioned above, but still only about 18 ounces. It is not quite a pocket gun, but it is lighter than my Kahr MK9, all metal pocket gun, which is about 22 oz.

I have never had a problem with the P45, and it is quite comfortable to shoot.



New member
The Kahr PM45s are a good choice, but make sure you keep your thumb away from the mag release when shooting. The Glock 36 is another good choice, and I prefer it to the Kahr (probably a little too big for pocket carry though).


New member
I had 2 kahr PM45 the first one was a problem child and after 2 trips back to kahr they fixed it. My second PM45 worked fine. I had the pocket 45 itch but I came to the final conclusion that a 9mm compact gun is most likely a better platform for pocket carry than a 45 compact. The question that remains is this: Is a 45 as effective as a 9mm out of a short barrel and is it worth having less rounds? Just food for thought. I have the PM9 now and I am happy with it. Another poster mentioned to be careful about your thumb hitting the mag release while firing thats good advise it was a constant problem for me with the PM45.


New member
Is a 45 as effective as a 9mm out of a short barrel and is it worth having less rounds? Just food for thought. I have the PM9 now and I am happy with it. Another poster mentioned to be careful about your thumb hitting the mag release while firing thats good advise it was a constant problem for me with the PM45.

To me - its the law of diminishing returns. I have a small .45 - a PT 145 Millenium Pro DS. I also have a Kahr PM9.

The Taurus has a barrel that is just over 3". Total length is 6.125". It is bit of a beast to shoot compared to my PM9 Kahr. It has been reliable so far and you can hold 10+1 with the standard mag. With standard 230 gr target load, it does snap quite a bit. Frankly - I don't think the .45 smaller than my Taurus makes sense. I have seen the kick that the .45 ACP has in the Kahr PM45. I think the same about the Kahr pm40. Too much cartridge for the size of the pistol, in my opinion.

You take the .45 cartridge down to the size of a Kahr PM and I am not convinced you gain much coming from such a small pistol and short barrel compared to some solid 9 mm defense loads. Like anything - practice makes you better but I would rather practice at 9mm prices. Plus followup shot recovery is quicker on that 9mm.

But if you are going with a small .45 - then the Kahr is probably the best way to go.


New member
IMHO, the Kahr PM45 is probably the smallest .45 cal pistol in production. I've carried mine IWB, OWB as well as pocket carried it on numerous occasions.
Here's a photo of my PM45.

have you ever tried to hit anything with a tiny 45? the colt defender isn't near as tiny as these, but still very easy to conceal, and you just might be able to hit something with it!


New member
have you ever tried to hit anything with a tiny 45?

Again - that is my contention...

Ya gotta hit what you are shooting at. It would be great if the OP had a buddy that has a small .45 ACP and he could shoot 50 rounds through it.

I hear so much that even the small Ruger .380 is a little bear to shoot.

Size of caliber and size of pistol really impact a shooters ability to put lead where it is supposed to go. And all shooters are different.


Active member
Downsizer if you want 1 shot.
AMT .45 Backup if you want 6 shots, DAO. FWIW, I've got mine working perfectly - you do need to replace the recoil spring with a Wolf spring, and even then you should replace the spring every 500 shots or so - probably less. The AMT .45 Backup has all of what you need to make it a reliable DAO .45. They do need some work, I'll admit. Just don't try to lighten that trigger - its heavy for a reason. If you want an out-of-the-box perfect shooter without having to replace a recoil spring or do some polishing, then the AMT .45 Backup isn't for you.

Here's a picture of mine in a pocket holster that I like to use.
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