What kind of 38 Special bullet did Jack Ruby use?


New member
There's an interesting documentary series on the JFK assasination put out by Time Life. It's titled The Men Who Killed Kennedy. They've got it at my local public library. It's pretty in-depth. It's 5 VHS tapes long. Im not a leftist or a liberal. Just always wordered about this event since I first was taught the story in elementary school. A lot of things just don't settle right.;)


New member
There's so much hype these days about hollow point bullets; I was just interested to know if Jack Ruby might have used one. I doubted that he did - I figured it was a 158 Grain LRN - but wasn't sure. Whatever he used, I knew it was fired from a snub nose revolver because I was watching in 1963 as it happened live on TV. I always thought it was the best advertisement for the effectiveness of a 38 Special snub nose revolver that I ever saw. A lot of people today may still doubt that Oswald shot Kennedy, or at least doubt that he was a lone gunman, but there's little question that an hour or so after Kennedy was shot, Oswald did use his own 38 Special revolver to kill Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippett. So regardless whether Oswald was a patsy or not in the Kennedy assasination, I see no reason to feel real sorry for him. He definitely did have a loaded gun in his possession, and did use it to draw down on and kill a Dallas Police Officer (who I don't believe ever even drew his own weapon).

I did always wonder why Oswald went back home after the Kennedy assasination though. It seems like if he went to work that Nov. 22 morning knowing what he was gonna do that day, he wouldn't have had to go back home later. It's also strange to me how much detail was paid in Officer Tibbetts autopsy report to the bullets that killed him, weight, length, etc. but how little information is availiable on the bullet that Jack Ruby used to kill Oswald.


If you Google "lee harvey oswald autopsy report" you'll get a page indicating that the aorta was perforated. I'm guessing that pretty much any round at contact distance could do that. We've all seen the footage of the shooting and we know it was up close.


New member
I did always wonder why Oswald went back home after the Kennedy assasination though.

This is another puzzling fact. How did he get back home since he rode with someone else to work, and how did he get back home through all the crowds out to see JFK and the subsequent hysteria?


New member
I think Ruby said it best in an interview from jail before he died of cancer- no one will ever know the truth behind all that happened. I DO know that .38spl is a much underrated round. I trust my moms life with a .38 S&W


New member
it's a wonder that officer tippet did not draw and fire back at Oswald. I'm guessing no one told him that a 38 has no stopping power.:(


New member
Well, I watched the video, I'll do the reading tonight. A lot of redundant info, but thats to be expected after watching EVERY video one the subject. I still think there was a lot more to it though.


the man who did jfk's autopsy swore up and down that the Warren Commission's photos were NOT the original autopsy photos as performed by him.

Yeah and Ruby's 38 caliber pill may have had some back room help to ensure the stopping power of the single round...:D


New member
Well, I watched the video, I'll do the reading tonight. A lot of redundant info, but thats to be expected after watching EVERY video one the subject. I still think there was a lot more to it though.

Over the past 30 years, I've read all the books, watched all the shows, even bought a copy of the Zapruder film.

Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, shot and killed JFK. Jack Ruby, acting alone, shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald.

Every LEO group involved in the case screwed up evidence as much as humanly possible.

Still, one shooter. No conspiracy.


New member
If you are really interested in the truth about the JFK shooting read Reclaiming History by Bugliosi. All 1612 pages of it. Then spend some time with the documentation CD.

He did such a great job picking off each and every one of the conspiracies and documenting actual events I just don't understand what happened in his next book on Bush..... :(

"Oswald Curl" - LOL!


New member
You call yourselves conspiracy theorists???
You just know it had to be a lead hollow point filled with mercury (or a primer seated backwards)! You know, the kind that will "explode" inside the human body... :rolleyes:


New member
Well ,my innocent little question has certainly generated a surprising amount of interest on the part of forum viewers. It's been clicked on over 1200 times in the last couple of days...and so far nobody who's responded has any more idea of what type of bullet it was that killed Oswald (or what happened to it) than I do. Am I wrong in thinking that it's routine in an autopsy to retreive the bullet and weigh it, etc?


New member
DG45 said:
Am I wrong in thinking that it's routine in an autopsy to retreive the bullet and weigh it, etc?

That may be routine now, but was it in '63? Back then they probably just looked at it and said something like. "Yep, a .38 bullet" and tossed it into an evidence bag. And there really wasn't much need to collect evidence since Ruby was surrounded by law enforcement officers and media when he pulled the trigger. The bullet is probably still in an evidence locker somewhere in Dallas...., but probably mis-filed. :)


New member
The problem with the standard 158g RNL 38 Spl round was that it only "stopped" it's intended target about 50% of the time.

I suspect blanks will stop an attacker more than 50% of the time. Not that I recommend blanks. But really.


New member
I went back and re-read Old Grump's post #5 on this thread. This time I paid closer attention to the additional information he hyperlinked to that post. On my re-reading of the hyperlinked information I noticed the 8/15/64 date of the FBI report that referred to Ruby's gun, five live rounds, one shell casing and one "slug". This hyperlinked information also contained a notice that these items had all been used in the trial of Jack Ruby and had been returned to the Dallas Police Department where they were signed for by Property Clerk BJ Smith.

The "slug" that was referenced as part of Ruby's property was obviously the one recovered from Lee Harvey Oswald's body. It apparently had been made availiable for Ruby's trial. Perhaps there is some information that can still be found about it in documents relating to that trial, although I'm not sure there ever was a trial. I think Ruby just pled guilty and went straight to prison, thereby squashing whatever opportunity a trial may have presented for the truth (whatever it was) to come out. I assume that this "slug" is still in the possession of the Dallas Police Department, where, I guess, it could still be examined, measured and weighed.