what is wrong with Glasers?

While I certainly don't wish to be shot with anything, given what I know about Glasers, I'd really rather take my chance with being shot with one of those vs, say, a Gold Dot, a Ranger SXT, or a Silver Tip.


New member
The FBI did ballistic gelatin tests in the early 90's They penetrated roughly five inches but made a wound channel the size of your fist.My gun store had a sidewalk sale and I bought 44m,45acp and 7.62x39 for half price.He also gave me two 15 gallon pickle buckets.I'm not sure if my SKS penetrated or not but the buckets filled with water with the lids in place literally exploded into a dozen or more pieces. I shot all the 7.62x39, still have the rest, but have since sold all my guns in those calibers.


New member

Line up boy's, and be ready to be shot with one. Prove your point!


A classic example of ignoratio elenchi.

Ignoratio elenchi is a name used for arguments whose premisses have no direct relation on the claim at issue.



I will put my head on the chopping block again.

I have yet to hear anyone, but my wife’s use of Glaser's in an (actual) gun shooting situation from any posters on here.

I’ve heard Yes/No/maybe the Air Marshals used them. I have heard FBI stats, and seen X-ray’s of gun wounds. I’ve heard of heavy clothing, and the stance of the BG, even heard one guy whom doesn't believe my wife should have a gun.......

It comes down to this…….It worked for my wife, and she now trusts them. Trust is a big thing in weapons, whether you believe it or not.

Nuff said, and last said from me on this thread.

To use an analogy to illustrate the over abundance of trust you have placed in one real life experience

My wife was in a truckjacking situation a few years ago in Virginia, she fired 2 rounds of .38 glaser's from her 5 shot revolver, One round in the chest, one in the shoulder. The BG stumbled away, and she locked herself in the truck and dialed 911.

The Commonwealths attorney didn't even waste his time to bring her in front of a Grand Jury.

The BG is doing 25 to life.

Did the BG (Bad Guy) lose consciousness? Was his humerus broken? Were his heart or lungs damaged? Or did the BG give up due to being confronted with a victim who had the courage and means to fight back and actually damage him? I have respect for your wife and would like to congratulate her for her actions in this difficult encounter.

The Analogy:
Imagine that you are a person that has never flipped a coin. You decide to flip a coin. You flip a coin and it lands on its edge. It does not come to rest on either of its two relatively larger round flat sides. You therefore conclude that this is the way all coin flips will be. You will bet on the next outcome to be the same.

I admit that all analogies fail. But I use this analogy to illustrate what others have said in different ways, your conclusion and trust in the Glaser Safety round is based upon insufficient experience.

It may be that the next encounter of a deadly threat could also be dealt with successfully in the same manner. On the other hand the Glaser Safety round may not incapacitate the next threat due to its inability to cause rapid blood pressure loss or reach the central nervous system because of relatively shallow penetration.
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New member
Here is my issue....... It may be -10 or -20 where I live. That means maybe three layers of clothes plus a heavy jacket, possibly canvas...... all combined with the penetration resistance close or equal to sheetrock (gypsum)...... Need I say more.........................


New member
A glaser can:

1. be defeated by even a zipper, or fail to perform in soft tissue.

2. perform similar to a standard JHP

3. release it's shot inside the target with absolutely devistating results.

This to me is the main problem. They are unpredictable. For such an expensive round I would like to know it's going to work.

The idea of a "shotgun in the palm of your hand" is very compelling... look at the popularity of the judge. I think some people realize the superiority of the shotgun for HD purposes, then want to take that power with them in their pocket.

I might go with Glaser Silver that uses #6 birdshot instead of #9. That might take care of the zipper problem.

However, Glasers are very expensive. Who's going to run enough through their semi-auto so they're proven reliable?