What is this Hornady Zmax crap?

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"Well now you're just acting like my mother!"

Nothing of the sort.

You have raised a valid point, one that the mods will need to discuss when we approach halloween next year.

That's not a threat, it's simply something that I had not considered because we are noncommercial. We sell nothing, we don't advertise, we don't allow advertising.

Yet, we do sell the image of firearms owners.

That must be considered.


New member
Irk I think it probably will bring all the cod players out of the closet. The well minded intelligent bf3 players probably already have guns ;)

For real though..I just thought it was for laughs. Cool boxes :)
And, does anyone remember all the heat the video game manufacturers took some years ago when those two kids shot up... Jonesboro? that right? Middle School?

The one who did the most damage?

The ONLY "gun" he had ever held in his entire life before that was the electron gun on his Nintendo.

And more than a few people were going absolute ape about the fact that Nintendo and other video game companies were not just desensitizing kids to violence, but they were also teaching the loveable little monsters how to efficiently handle guns.

That one caused the video gaming industry added problems for a couple of years and cost them quite a bit of money.


New member
All it does is feed into this maddening zombie craze. I suppose if it gets more people into shooting then it may have some positive repercussions, but I can't really be sure.

I've been into guns and shooting since I could remember. Now more people I know are showing interest, and when I talk about going to the range all I hear is "gotta get ready for the zombie apocalypse!"

Trust me, I have a pretty good sense of humor. But this just makes me want to pull my hair out.


New member
I don't think it presents Hornady, the firearms industry, or firearms owners in a particularly good light.

Firearms and ammunition are, and should be, serious stuff.

Zombies aren't serious stuff, because they're not real, at least in terms of zombie invasion crap, and I really don't think one of the premier manufacturers should be going this route.



New member
Why lock it? Because I asked a question out of genuine curiosity and most of the replies were calling me and other people who don't really see the sense in marketing to the world of fantasy "curmudgeons"?


New member
Pretty shure its just Hornaday TAP with a green tip instead'o of a red one.

So many people own zombie guns, call their gun zombie gun....ect.

At 17 bucks a box, It's cheaper than most hunting ammo, anywho I've used it and it works just dandy, the coyote would neither confirm or deny whether it was a zombie or not. Undead former status or not, he was most definitely dead when I walked over to him.


^^^ If you shot the yote in the head then there's no way of knowing if it was a zombie or not. If it died with a side shot then it wasn't a zombie yote.:D


New member
The Z-max is the V-max for rifles. Green tip and red tip.
For pistols, its the Critical Defense. Again green and red.

That's the only difference.

For those that are offended by it, don't support the product and also don't buy the zombie targets. But don't think for once it entitles you to tell others what to buy or own.

For those that buy them because they really think there are Zombies, well get some help....professional help.

Z-max is ammunition. Read the box.

Nuf said. Now back to Left for Dead II. :D


New member
I did a tiny little bit of research on Hornady's website - specifically relating to the 165gr .40 cal ammo, which was available both in 'zombie' (at $20 per box of 20) and normal 'critical defense' (at $22 per box of 20).

The Critical Defense ammo was a bit more expensive and was made with nickel-plated brass and a red HP plug.

The 'Zombie' ammo had normal brass and a green plug.

I'm sure that, aside from the attempt at humor, it's still a viable choice for SD ammo. I might get a box just to have and keep - in 20 years, 18 years after they stop making it, it may have some collector value.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
All this zombie stuff is being blamed on COD now?

I didn't even know it was a "fad" until the Z-Max stuff showed up and someone said it was because of the "zombie fad".

We've been shooting zombies in video games since... The Evil Dead or some such thing? Maybe before that... what was that WWII one with the Nazis doing zombie stuff? That was the first game with decent graphics that I remember having zombies but they were certainly in games before then.


New member
The Z-max is the V-max for rifles. Green tip and red tip.

V-Max is rifle caliber bullets. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

What's the difference between this bullet:


and this bullet:


Probably, zero, besides color. Same BC and SD, they're most likely identical save for the different color tip. Who gives a **** what color the tip of the bullet is?

Call me curmudgeon, I believe firearms and ammunition are serious business, and I will admit I was quite surprised when I first saw the non-serious, non-sensical approach Hornady took with this product.

Z-max is ammunition. Read the box.

Z-Max is NOT just ammunition...the bullets are sold as well.

Crow Hunter

New member
Anyone stand outside your paradigm an look at what you are saying.

Someone shouldn't sell something because someone might use it the wrong way?

Seriously? Who does that sound like?

Everyone need to shine the same light on themselves as they like to shine on those trying to restrict the freedoms that you cherish.

Zombies are the 1950's Cowboy Westerns of the modern age. Just as Roy Rogers and Hopalong Cassidy brought thousands of kids into shooting back in the "Good Old Days", zombies are bringing lots of people into guns today when they realize that they can actually own and shoot the guns they use on zombie games.

Those who are into zombies most likely think that dressing up in Western outfits and shooting replica antique firearms based on a fictional Hollywood romanticized view of the West as fairly stupid too.

But you don't hear the zombie fans trying to say that trivializing the shooting of guys in black hats and Native Americans as a bad thing.

They are both based in popular culture and ALL shooters SHOULD be embraced as part of the fraternity of the American Shooting Culture.


New member
The year is 2042 and I am telling my grandson, who believes everthing grandpa says, that I had to walk to school in 4' snow, uphill both ways, all the while on the look out for Zombies! Then cherish the look on his face when I pull out an old box of Z-MAX zombie ammo and tell him "This is the ammo we used back in the old days!"

It's gonna be great!:D


New member
I purchased a box of 9mm Zmax just for the novelty fact. I’m not into the whole zombie thing but found it pretty funny reading the box. I will probably never shoot the ammo but hey you never know they make good home defense rounds. I like to get a kick sometimes out of the “so serious” firearms world.
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