What is this cal??? (bigger than 50BMG)

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New member
I'm not sure it'd be safe to even be behind the gun that fires that!
You know, I have this odd image in my head, something along the line of a scaled up McMillian .50BMG action that weighs more than an M2HB, with a lateral muzzle break the size of a loaf of bread. Anyone who's been a spectator to someone using a high-power rifle with a lateral muzzle break knows this much: behind it is the safest place to be. Those things spit more evilness out to the sides than a S&W 500 shooting 20 degrees out of time.


New member
That's pain. Pure, unadulterated pain. Masochists only need apply to even think about shooting something like that.

A rifle round like that will make every game animal for 100 miles quiver in epileptic terror. Armored vehicles will run for cover. The Space Shuttle will hide on the other side of the planet--forget that, the dark side of the MOON. :eek: :eek: :eek:


New member
Why its the Earscplittenloudenboomer of course.

Sorry, I just had to... :D

Isuspect it would make a deer cartridge...No need to aim...at under 100 yrds the muzzle blast would probably be fatal...Perfect for the way I would hunt with it...strapped to a tree and fired with a L-O-N-G string :eek:

Southern Cross

New member
Man..that thing almost looks like one of those depleted uranium rounds from an A10 or something. I have one of them somewhere. I got it mounted on a plaque when I was little and visited Martin Marietta (MANG) in Baltimore. That thing was huge. I used to hang out there when I was little....back before 9/11 when they would actually let you hang outside the landing strip and watch all of the planes. They actually had a little area cut out in the fence where people could park their cars and watch. Real popular with the guys taking there ladies there to park when I was in high school. Wonder what they do now...


Big enough I'd rather be called a girl than pull the trigger


Geez, that thing is huge. The only way you would get me to fire that thing is if you built a tank around it and was fired through the turrent!



New member
I have to see if I could get a picture of the rifle that shoots this ammo. Oh yeah the person that owns this does indeed like LONG RANGE target shooting.

Yes the ammo is indeed dummy ammo, 20mm case has a split neck, so no longer "good" to use.

I am sure that the rifle isnt too bad to shoot, well other than on the ears. I have "heard" stories of people jumping 40 positions down the line when they hear this thing go off. Considering hearing a 50cal go off at the range, gets my attention I beleive it. (even a M44 7.62x54R gets people attention)

I would like to touch off at least one round to see what it is like, then work from there.
the only way i'd ever fire it...

is mounted on a heavy machine gun tripod, weighed down with sandbags, and pulling the trigger with a piece of string from a foxhole 20 yards behind it. thats a freakin artillery shell, not a rifle bullet!! :D


New member
I don't mean to steal the show, but like I said, I've seen bigger. The .950 JDJ, designed by SSK Industries, is a 20x102mm Vulcan cassing that has been shortened to about 3" long and necked to .95 caliber (normal 20mm is something like .80-.82 I think.) The standard load launches a 3,600 grain bullet to 2,200 fps. Greatest part is, it's not considered a DD by the ATF; it falls in the same sporting catagory as the .600 Nitro Express. I finally found some pictures of a rifle that shoots these things. By the way, SSK stoped making these a while ago.

Left to right; .95 caliber bullet, .950 JDJ empty case, loaded .950 JDJ, .50 BMG:

Here's the gun:



New member
Really? I didn't hear about that. I thought it was dropped simply 'cause of a lack of popularity (gee, I wonder why.) I'm sure you could get other custom gunmakers to make one though, for a rather large sum of money no doubt.


New member
Probably not. I specifically asked SSK about that - it simply isn't offered by anyone. Perhaps it wasn't a problem at all, but the ATF not liking the idea of a non-DD cannon?


New member

the only way i would shoot it would be strapping it down to the bench with a long string......

may be some kind of anti-tank round?


New member
About that round... If there is an actual firearm that is chambered for it (I doubt, get us more info) I would REALLY like to know the velocity of that thing.

Can't imagine good barrel life... :cool: :D

a 650 grain .50 caliber slug at what... 4,200 fps? :eek: :eek: :eek:
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