What is the most overpriced or overrated semi-auto pistol?


New member
I know that some will say that Glocks are overrated, but I don't think anyone
(besides Socrates) could honestly say that Glocks are overpriced. Before
I get jumped by the usual gang of Glock's major stock holders :rolleyes:,
let me state that I own a Glock 17. I'm just suggesting Glock as an
example. May I also suggest that some may think that CZ 75 and 1911s are
overrated, the latter of which may also be considered as overpriced by
some. Again, I own a CZ 75B and a 1911.

What other auto-pistols do you think are overpriced or overrated?




New member
OK, I'll be the first to say, Glocks are overpriced. That's not to say they are expensive, because they are priced very reasonably compared to other pistols. Compared to the CZ75, which requires many more machining operations, Glocks are way more expensive than they "should" be. I don't know that any guns that have been around for more than 20 years are overrated. You can't get a "rating" without some time in service (unless, of course, the gun is perfection from the start . . .), and if the gun lasts 20 years, it probably has earned its place. I work in a law firm, where skilled lawyers charge over $400 an hour. If it takes, say, ten hours to build a custom 1911, then anything less than $4000 would be a bargain, if the gun was build by a skilled gunsmith (of which there are a paltry few, compared to lawyers).


New member
I would have to say the typical HK is over priced for what it is. It has many competitors that offer a equal or superior product for less (typically). $900 for a HK45 is ridiculous.


Glocks are overpriced.

They shoot well enough to be competitively marketed, though. They just cost a lot more to buy than what they cost to make. Doesn't seem right.

HK's are overpriced. Way too much hype. I'd guess on a $900 gun, I get about $600 of marketing.

Overrated? Anything from Taurus.


New member
I would have to say the typical HK is over priced for what it is. It has many competitors that offer a equal or superior product for less (typically). $900 for a HK45 is ridiculous.

But yet I keep buying them. I think HK makes a great handgun. I have 4, and can think of at least one other I will get, the P30 or P30L.

They may just be a little over priced, but not over rated. My latest is the HK 45. The jury is still out on this one, as I have only had it a week. Yet I have high hopes.

My other HK's are P7M8's. They are expensive, but again to me well worth the price. My advice is that if you want an HK, and are squemish about the price, buy used. I've picked up a great deal or two by purchasing used.


New member
I just cannot justify an answer to this question. It is an opinion.....what is too expensive for one person is not for another. Some folks feel their inexpensive gun is the best thing out there because they could afford it and it fulfills their needs. My brother lives deep in the Piney Woods of east Texas. All he keeps at his house is an old worn out Rossi Pump .22 and a H&K revolver that sounds like a baby rattle when you shake it. I offered to buy him a newer rifle and handgun and he feels that the ones he has are sufficient for his needs. He has shot them both so long he can hit anything he aims at.
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Coyote Hitman

The Browning Hi Power (my absolute favorite handgun) is overpriced. With new models over costing in the 800.00 range, Browning/FN is going to price themselves out of the game.

Overrated, Steyr handguns.
I am going to go a little off the beaten path and address a genre instead of a manufacturer.

I think that custom made 1911's are over priced. You have to remember when you buy anything with that is "custom" made you are paying a much larger percentage of that cost for time and labor than you are the actual product. You are paying for a company to make a profit off of a much smaller amount of product.

I would not call them overrated in general because they are worth it if you want a specific combination of features and need it for a specific purpose. I would call them overrated if you are not custom ordering them to fit your specific needs. If you are just buying one "as made" you are not really gaining much.

I consider the most overrated pistols to be the Kel-tecs. People often say they work "well enough"...to me that is giving them too much credit.


New member
azredhawk44 said:
They shoot well enough to be competitively marketed, though. They just cost a lot more to buy than what they cost to make. Doesn't seem right.

Let me ask you something. I'm not trying to pick a fight or defend
Glock no matter what.

If you were producing a product, and your market research tells you that
you can sell every single product coming off your assembly line for $500
retail, would you sell it for $400 just because making too much margin
doesn't feel right to you?

Let's see $100 X 1,000,000 = $100,000,000. Will you be able to kiss away
a billion dollars in ten years? :confused:


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The Terminator

New member
Playboybpenguin has it right. Just about any 1911 is overpriced, and under reliable. It is a throw of the dice no matter what you pay for one. If you get a cheap one, it usually needs a few hundred dollars worth of time and parts in a custom shop. If you get an expensive one, you still don't know.

If you get an original, mil-spec, you probably have the best one of the bunch. Loose enough to be reliable.


I understand, Saab.

They can charge whatever they want.

I will say, if a G36 cost closer to $350 instead of $600, Glock would still make a profit and I would have one in my safe.

But, at the $600 price-point, I'm gonna pick up an aluminum framed 1911 since my tastes lean more in that direction.

Am I that platform loyal that I'll spend $700 instead of $350 just to get a lightweight 1911 for CCW? Nope.

But when the prices are closer to each other, absolutely.

Hence, Glock loses the potential for profitable sales out of an attempt to raise the overall market cost of their product as a whole.

I'm sure it works out to their favor on the balance sheets... but it does cost them MY business.


New member
You can't really include custom pistols. That's like saying "what's the most over priced car" and saying something like a Lingenfelter Corvette. Since it's not a true production item it's not in the same class as the production Corvette or any other production car. The same is true of handguns, at least in my opinion. I can order a custom 1911 that will easily cost me $5,000 but how do you compare that to a Kimber?

You can't.

Now, a $1,000 Kimber is over priced, especially for the gun you get. That's right up there with HK, so I would agree many run of the mill production 1911's are over priced for what they are.

Erik Prins

New member
both already mentioned but HK and kimber both seem overpriced to me. they may be nice guns but i really dont know that they are worth the price.

also not a handgun but i think that colt ar15's are overpriced, they have made like a bazillion of them, i feel they should be able to make them fairly cheap by now


New member

Judging from all the comments and opinions I've read in the various TFL forums, ANYTHING that is more than enough to "do the job" and "more than I can afford" is overrated and overpriced.

That being said, I have some of both and wouldn't sell any.