What is the lightest trigger that you’d put in an AR SBR/pistol?


New member
The pistol had an ALG QMS trigger that was a huge disappointment. Had a lot of gritty creep and snagged at the end.

I’m fine with a heavy trigger if they break even halfway acceptably. Definitely don’t like a catch at the end.
The last milspec trigger I have is a CMMG plain old trigger and I like it just fine.

This POF is my first drop in type. wasn’t looking for one, good advertising got me, lol.
Replacing the pistol’s trigger was going to be my next thing probably.


New member
I have a few ALG QMS triggers and other polished sear milspec types. They have zero take up and break at 6 - 6.5 lbs. Would I take a something like a 4 - 4.5 lb trigger? Absolutely. Alas, I do not require an expensive trigger and they work fine for me. As long as the trigger doesn't suck... and they don't. I have a Tapco G2 that came with the AK I have and it is decidedly light for my tastes.

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New member
rickyrick said:
Which trigger did you buy?
I purchased a POF single stage 4.5lb... impulse buy, not familiar with the company.
Put it in a little while ago with no problem.

Please tell us more detail about this trigger.


New member
Stocks and the like does not change how your hand works.

The mechanics of the hand are the same regardless, sympathetic movement and startle clenching are all still at play.

Smooth triggers are a given point. I'm fine with a well made mil spec trigger... And would be fine if that is all I had.

With good trigger control, you can be accurate with a bad trigger as well.

But with the discussion being about lightest acceptable weight, I think intended use is important to consider.

Like the short pull crisp single stage triggers... I don't really look at them as being suitable for defensive uses, they are more precision rifle triggers in my view.


New member
I really like the POF triggers. They are in several of my AR9s (since they are very rugged) and a few on the AR15s.


New member
Please tell us more detail about this trigger.

This is about all I know about it.
Dry-fires very nice. Installed easily. $99. Came with KNS pins, I used them because they were there.

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New member
POF has a few different flavors, 3.5 and 4.5 pounds, flat, curved and EFP (moves the trigger pad forward some for those with longer fingers. I have LOTS of rounds on a few of them and they are still in time and show almost no wear. If the POF and AR-Gold were the only two aftermarket triggers I could have, I would be happy.


New member
3-4 lbs is as light as I would go in a semi-Auto. I would guess both my AR’s are 5-6, although I’ve never measured them.

I’ve got my trigger on my Model 70 set to about 1lb, there’s no way I would want anything remotely close to that in an AR.