What is it with "COOL"


New member
Each time I read such a post I visualize a 13 year old teenager denigrating firearms, firearms safety, etc.
That 13 y/o grew up 40 years ago using that same word. Where have you been all these years?
It's just one of many words used to express admiration for something. I bet you have your own favorites that fall in the same catergory.


New member
Actually this forum's not too bad at all. Posts could look like this:

1337 0p3r4+0r5 u53 5195 (u¯/_ 7|-|3y r0(|<¯/_0r5 j00 |\|008!!! 411 0+|-|3r 9u|\|5 5u(|<Z0r!!!


New member
I call my guns 'toys' as a sort of code word around anti's, or people who I don't want knowing I own guns.

"You have plans for the weekend?"

"Yeah, I'm going out to play with some of my toys."

They assume I'm going out mountain biking, or playing my PS2 or computer or whatever, and no one is the wiser.


New member
1337 0p3r4+0r5 u53 5195 (u¯/_ 7|-|3y r0(|<¯/_0r5 j00 |\|008!!! 411 0+|-|3r 9u|\|5 5u(|<Z0r!!!

I get

Ieet operators use sigs cuz they rockzors you noob! information other guns suckzor!!

lol that took too long


New member
Better than "bra"

We have this guy in our unit who insists on calling everyone "bra". Assumably some form of "bro". He's from Cali, and big into the beach/surfing scene. I guess it's a big thing there.

I was forced to ask him the other day if he thought I was a women's anatomical support device. He has since stopped addressing me as bra.

If he does it again, I will have to call him "jock strap" in return ;)

I'd rather be cool than be a braseirre anyday :eek:
Well, there could be advantages to being a braseirre..... :cool:


New member

1337 = Leet = Elite.


I thought 'Brah' was a Hawaiian slang term for 'bro.' Had some Hawaiian guys in one of my units, and that's where I first heard the term.


New member
Cool is a state of mind man.......its like, groovy, far out man.....you live it, an yer sidearms become cool by bein in yer orbit man.....for real....... :D


New member
We were using it as kids in the '50s. It's still useful, but like any other word can be overused. :cool: John

O.E. col, from P.Gmc. *koluz, from PIE base *gel- "cold, to freeze." The v. form kele (from O.E. colian) was used by Shakespeare, but has been assimilated with the adj. into the modern word. Applied since 1728 to large sums of money to give emphasis to amount. Meaning "calmly audacious" is from 1825. Slang use for "fashionable" is 1933, originally Black English, said to have been popularized in jazz circles by tenor saxophonist Lester Young. Coolant in the radiator sense is from 1930. Coolth, on model of warmth, is occasionally attested since 1547, and was used by Pound, Tolkien, Kipling, etc.


New member
All my guns are cool, except my M41 swede mauser which is rad

Yo, that 41 is the cat's meow! :p

Cool is just a way to describt aht you like something. Benchrest guys probably think that some uber-high optic is cool. Tactical guys think that a loaded up rail system is cool. Military rifle guys think that guns that go PING are cool. CS players think that the deagle is cool. What may be useful, practical or necessary to you, may seem to others like you just have it because it is cool.

And enough with the l337 talk. Unless you are a 12-year old wannabe, or a 35 year old comic book collector living in his parent's basement, you should have grown up past that stage :)

Dave Haven

New member
Some of my guns are cool, some are BAD, and some are really bitchin'!
Can't believe nobody mentioned that adjective yet. :D