What is it with "COOL"


New member
Am I the only one who is turned of by references to firearms as being "cool"? There seems to have been an abundance of posts lately across several forums referring to firearm related items as being "cool". Each time I read such a post I visualize a 13 year old teenager denigrating firearms, firearms safety, etc. topics which deserve more serious thought and taste. I don't like to see firearms reduced to the level of being "cool". But then again, perhaps I am just getting old. Anyway, end of rant. Thanks for letting me blow off steam.

Good shooting and be safe.


New member
What, you think this forum is bad?

Hang out on the 4wheeling and offroad forums for 5 minutes and you'll get your fill quickly. I'm a long timer on those boards and the "cool" factor is unreal.


New member
This may only be my opinion, but why would there be recreational shooting if it wasn't in some way "cool" to the people who shoot. I understand that safety is always important, but what is wrong with enjoying the look and feel of a gun?


New member
All my guns are cool when I wait 3 minutes between shots. Its only if you fire too fast that they start to get hot. Nothing worse than a hot gun in my opinion but coolness is OK. :cool:


New member
Some of us are just cool, we can't help it. It's because we were raised up in the 60's, which makes our guns cool with us :D


New member
Oh noes, damn those young whippersnappers and their use of 'lingo'!

What did you old timers use before 'cool'?


New member
"What did you old timers use before 'cool'?"

Boss fab gear hip hep nifty neat neato spiffy far-out dynamite groovy

and a list of other really "bad" terms ;)

but believe it or not - not cool - cool at the time (early '60's) was not cool anymore. Cool was more of a 50's thing.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
This is a neato and gee golly whiz thread, gramps! I feel your pain as I'm getting up in years also.

However, I do say cool as do my 50 to 60 year old friends.


What's wrong with using Cool as a way to describe our guns, our shooting practices, our range day, the first shot with a new gun, or anything else?

Plus, we only have a :cool: smiley, I guess that TFL staff could find some Rad, Groovy, Neato, ect. smilies :D.



New member
Cool factor is imbedded into every aspect of our culture, whether it is a new car or a jet ski, the cool factor always, well, factors in, to the decision, and the marketers know it. No surprise to see marketing at work in the firearms arena as well.

Age has something to do with it. Put it this way, whoever made it possible to hang 3 lights, 2 sights, a laser, IR illuminator and a gameboy to an AR 15 knew what they were doing.


New member
"cool" beats the gun "karma", I've watched on one board, for the last year or so!!!! But that's just me, and my bias!!!! :) But hey man, I'm bad, your hangup, is tripping me. Don't be a bummer. Packing an iron, is a far out, stoned, groovy, sort of, heat!!! Even the pigs, know that, MAN........! Chill out, and learn to be free, man!!!! Can ya, like dig it! Added: I'm probably to HOT of a dude, for most of you to relate. Carry on, SHEEPLE!!!! :barf: :) :) :) :)
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New member
I think we all have our own way of appreciating firearms. Some may look at a Colt Python and say it's a tool, some will say art, some will say cool. To each his own. I think we have to keep on ourselves as we get older not be intolerant of things in general. I'm getting more irritable myself but I try and fight it :D


New member
And then someone lights off a 500 8 stalls down:

Holy S**T what was that??

Ain't that the fricking truth.

It happened to me I was sitting inside a little 4 lane indoor range. I'm in Lane 2 when the S.O.B. in Lane 4 touches one off from a .500 with a 4" compensated barrel.

I'll admit it, I nearly wet myself.

B@st@rd had been breaking in the barrel on a new Walther P-22 when I walked in.


New member
I probably wouldn't buy a particular weapon if i didn't think it was , in one way or another, cool.

That's the word we used in when I was making the scene in my teens (late 60s, early 70s).

I guess I could also say they are groovy, that's just not my bag, these days.