What im not taking this year


New member
Im not taking a rangefinder, a spotting scope or for that matter a scoped rifle (till the leaves fall).
I didnt put out a food plot, feeder, salt lick or cmere deer.
I didnt hang any trail cameras or tree stands.
I dont own a GPS, 4wheel drive (anything) or sat phone.
I wont be using any decoys or new fangled electric callers or camo prints.
just a pop up chair an iron sighted carbine and a pr of 8x30 binos.
Since i made my mind up that i wanted to hunt like this i figure i have already been sucessfull. Even if all i take is a doe for the freezer.


New member
Yep thats all you really need to go hunting.

To many people get caught up in the notion you have to invest in all manner of thingamabobs and camo.


New member
there must be half of cabela catolog invested in feeders, rangefinders, electronics, decoys, 10 pages of gamecameras, new camo patterns, i dont know how many gimics and gadgets from butt-out tool to hide clam to deer sleds.
but they dont sell books like ONE MAN, ONE RIFLE, ONE LAND by Jones J.Y.


New member
like this with a leather sling.

I have some old camo but mostly greys muted green and tan. i use alot of european military surplus clothing.
i wash cloths in baking soda and spray hydrogen peroxide on my pits as deoderant.
the best camo is to be still.;)


Staff In Memoriam
That is how I always hunt... 'cept I do own a 4X4 f-150. I have had it locked in 4 low for under a mile in over 2 years.


New member

I can do without the Optics where I hunt so I will opt for A bottle of water and A sandwich. I like to make A day of it sometimes.


New member
Every once and a while I have to clean out my hunting pack because all kind of crap finds its way in.

I try to stick with water, small binos, and a rangefinder when deer hunting but depending on the weather, spare gloves, a knit hat and or rain gear often finds its way into my pack. I also pack asprin and something to munch on through out the day.


New member
WHAT?! How on earth will you ever see or hit anything without all the high-speed-low-drag gadgets that you must have? This craziness just won't do! Go to Cabela's right now and max out your credit card before it's too late!

Of course I'm joking...but truely, sounds like you've got the right idea. I actually watched a guy almost drop his rifle after a deer scared the crap out him. He was so busy fiddling with his gps that he had no idea what was going on around him. He never even saw me and I was about 30yds away from him. I just watched him fumble off and laughed to myself.


New member
i do have a pack. i carry a stocked first aid kit as a matter of fact. other than that i can get by with a small led light clipped on my pocket, 15' of rope and a small packet of post it notes.


New member
Glad to hear it

I always get a good smile out of ppl sitting in a blind totally enclosed with camo and face paint on.


I think hunting paraphernalia is about the biggest scam going. Almost as bad as income tax and insurance. It's unbelievable the garbage you can see marketed to hunters while watching one half hour hunting show. Not to mention that the show itself is usually just an infomercial. I haven't used camo since I was 15yrs old. Don't own a stitch of the stuff at present.


New member
I think hunting paraphernalia is about the biggest scam going.

Amen.......... There is so much junk on the market. Between Scent-Lock and Gum-o-Flage, I don't know how the Indians ever killed a deer.


New member
ringworm said:
Since i made my mind up that i wanted to hunt like this i figure i have already been sucessfull. Even if all i take is a doe for the freezer.

What happens if you don't get anything because you miss your shot due to lack of resolution in your sighting? Will you have regrets? Or do you only plan to take shots under 100 yds.?

Just curious.

I feel about the same way, except I'll bring a scope instead of a chair. ;)


New member
Camo, why?

One of my best friends owns a beautiful piece of property in prime Mississippi deer country, is a very good hunter, and owns a great deal of camo-scentlock-you-name-it-stuff from Cabela's. He located his girlfriend in a stand a couple of hundred yards away from his stand and waited. Not too long after settling in the deer stand, she shot one of the largest bucks in that part of Mississippi.

The irony is this: she, an experienced hunter, did not wear a stitch of camo, used no special soap or deodorant, in fact she wore casual clothes with a hint of perfume. Apparently the perfume is a great buck attractant.

Deer are not too aware of color contrast (why wear camo with a required dayglo orange vest or hat?) but are atune to sounds and smells. In the eastern slope of the Sierras I walked up to and sat on a stump 25 to 30 feet from two does and a one fawn and watched them graze. Not until the wind shifted from me to them did they notice me, snort a bit, and run off. A similar scene was experienced a few years earlier in Colorado with a pair of elk. My non-camo clothing and orange vest made no difference to those three deer and two elk. Maybe deer and elk need a few Cabela's catalogs to raise their awareness of camo needs.


New member
What happens if you don't get anything because you miss your shot due to lack of resolution in your sighting?
my season begins OCT 1 and lasts toll Jan 1. theres no size or antler limtation and a very liberal limit. furthermore in SC we have no check stations or tag requirments. I will hunt iron sights till the woods open up a bit. I can always walk out to a field edge and pop a doe if i need to.
why would iron sights limit me to 100 Yards?
My ruger RSI has a very nice NECG peep on the back dovetail. My BLR has factory browning sights. these are what ill use till later in the season. when the woods open up ill switch over to a scoped rifle and when i go to AR i will use a scope rifle. I usually take a pistol there for close in work.