What has your SO 'confiscated' from your collection?


New member
My wife and I have a standing agreement. When I buy a gun, she gets jewelry. This has kept us both very happy! :)


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Lost a S&W model 16 when we got divorced. It took 8 years and 100 more than what I paid new to get it back but it's home once again.

I didn't tell her it was worth even more.

Dust Monkey

New member
Italian 92FS stainless 9mm. AND she is eying my Beretta 92 compact double stack. I have told her to go and start her own collection. Her response is "why, when there is already a safe full to pick from".


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MY 1911


New member
My wife of 22 years considers all of my guns as hers also, except for my new Kimber SIS .45, that baby, she considers hers (well, technically, she bought and paid for it as a B-day present for me, sooo........power of the triangle, I guess)


New member
"But that S&W model 39 just feels sooo right in my hand!"

Maybe if I go looking for something in pink.:D


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I had a H&R 22 mag model 676 that my wife considers "hers" in that it's the only one she really likes to shoot. I've had her shoot other 22 pistols and rifles but she doesn't really care for any of them. I let her shoot a single action 357 the other day, her first ever center fire. It didn't bother her at all but she just didn't like it. She has absolutely no desire whatsoever to shoot the new BFR revolver.