What happened to the 6.5 Grendel?


New member
My Grendel shoots a 120gr AMAX at 2645fps out of a 18.5 inch barrel. I spoke with the guy at Precision Firearms and his customers are getting relatively fast velocities out of 16" and 14.5 barrels as well.


New member
no one said:
One of the primary reasons Grendels seem to eat bolts is because the face of the upper receivers are not perfectly square with the bore, and barrel extension. If you torque down the extension, the very slight difference in high and low spots on the face of the upper, puts similar high and low spots into the barrel extension.

Once the barrel extension has the high and low spots in the locking lug recesses, some bolt lugs bear more energy than others.

I had AR15 precision lap the front of an upper for me that had eaten a couple of bolts. Since being lapped, my bolts have worked perfectly. Same with the Alexander arms rifle that I had built..no bolt problems.

Lapping the face of the upper has been a precision shooters secret. It is now fairly common with the tooling sold buy several venders.


New member
Way to revive an old thread.


I know your post was a little while ago but I figure I would tell you about an experience I had with the author of "summer patriot, winter soldier." As you may know, he called me out on his blog because I mentioned some errors in his writings. To make a long story short, I sent him info that showed he had some of his Grendel velocities wrong by almost 100 fps and though he was pretty close to being right about the amount of drop between the two cartridges the one thing he failed to consider (as do many 6.8 owners) is the amount of wind deflection between the two. Upon receipt of my explanation he accused me of sending him a virus and then blocked my email. You may believe what you want about me but I am not any kind of computer hacker nor do I have any interest in the 6.5 Grendel that would justify such action. In short, the guy has issues.

If you would like to see my response to him just let me know and I will PM them to you (that way you won't have to worry about me sending a virus to you).