What happened to the .30-06 ammo?


New member
I know the '06 is not the hot military cartridge of our day, but where did all the surplus ammo go?

I can't find anything cheaper than the big 3 U.S. companies ammo ($16.99@ Wal-mart). There used to be scads & oodles of cheap '06 shells from Russian Wolf to Surplus ball and belts of machine gun ammo, and I used it to keep in touch with my rifle in the off season.

Where did my ammo go? Where can I buy it?

I checked CheaperThanDirt, AimSurplus, J&G Sales, Shotgun News, Hunting Shack Munitions, Wolf, TCW & Barnaul.


New member
Sometimes you can get some through the CMP.

Other than that it is just normal sources drying up. Doesn't help that one of the stated goals of the left is to stop the importation of "military" ammunition.



New member
CMP...Why didn't I think of that? I know the left is making us all crap a brick right now, but I don't think they'll screw with us too bad at first. Now let this man have a second term! OH CRAP, then they'll put the screws to us!

Any other ideas? About the ammo that is.


New member
Shelf space for .45 ACP & 9mm luger of any type is practically bare in a number of stores that I've been to including Wally World. Doesn't matter if it's FMJ, JHP, target, tactical, Personal defense or what. I find myself purchasing ammo that I otherwise wouldn't be purchasing simply because it's available. There seems to be plenty of .40 S&W on the shelves though. I think I'm going to purchase a S&W semi-auto here in a few weeks simply because it seems to have plenty of ammo on the shelves to feed it; not to mention I don't have a pistol in that caliber yet and I was offered a really good deal on a used one that's in excellent condition.



New member
I know the left is making us all crap a brick right now, but I don't think they'll screw with us too bad at first. Now let this man have a second term! OH CRAP, then they'll put the screws to us!
^^^^^That is what happened to the ammo.^^^^^ The republicans and Fox Noise have created hysteria, and everybody is stocking up like armageddon is tomorrow. End of story. So yeah, Obama is going to take the guns and the pope is Jewish and FDR started the great depression even though he was inaugurated in 1933 and the great depression started in 1929 and Iraq had WMD and the economy is WONDERFUL!!!! :rolleyes: I will not be posting in this thread again. Statements like that are ridiculous.You should be trying to get democrats to like you. Instead you make statements like that, that make democrats hate you.


New member
Dear Stlcardinaldude,

Thank you for vowing not to post on this thread again, as your reply has not one dang thing to do with finding cheap ammo. If I was in the market for political commentary, there are places on TFL for that. Feel free to jump in with ammo tips though.



New member
The question should be, what happened to all the Ammo?

That's a fact. The shelves are bare.

The republicans and Fox Noise have created hysteria, and everybody is stocking up like armageddon is tomorrow.

Not tomorrow, but give the Big O time. He'll screw the second amendment up to the best of his ability and yes, I'm buying what ammo I can find. Otherwise I'll run out of fodder for the range at this rate. Hopefully things will stabilize by Spring time and start getting back to normal.


New member
It's just a run on a commodity. Once a buying panic starts, it takes on a life of its own and the bare store shelves reinforce the panic.
I have seen it happen with primers during Clinton's term.
I have seen it happen with anti-freeze during Ford's term. "Hey everybody, there not making ethylene glycol anymore and you better buy your anti-freeze while you can!!"
It even happened with toilet paper after a few too many people took Johnny Carson's joke too seriously.

I don't think that the FDIC was created to protect bank customers so much as it was created to protect banks from runs on the bank. Once a run starts, it becomes a self-fulfilling event.


New member
I purchased a couple of cases of '06 from CMP a couple of months ago or longer. It is back ordered as far back as that time frame, but it will arrive in due time. Not in a hurry now, order is in.


New member
Ordered from Cabella's and CMP

Ordered some 30.06 from Cabella's, 180 Pointed Soft Point. Good general hunting round, intended for things smaller than Elk. My local supplier has 30.06, including the heavier hunting rounds, which seems silly in Georgia here, but whatever. The Cabella's was $95 for a hundred rounds plus a free plastic ammo box. The full case of 200 rounds is $174.

I also am ordering a case from CMP. Just got approved to purchase through them. Looking at a sixty day wait on it, but that's fine. I'm patient. 220 rounds of M-2 Ball for $67 at the moment.

I would look at reloading, but frankly, I don't want the headache that comes with it. I'm not planning on shooting at more than 400 or 500 yards anyway. The factory 30.06 is quite suitable for that.


New member
Being that the 30.06 is one of the best hunting calibers out there would for sure be a factor. The rest of it is a buying panic to beat some ridiculous ammo tax that could be imposed by our great leaders. I have done my share of buying for rimfires and shotguns but I will load my own rifle stuff.


New member
I just dont see how "store bought ammo" users do it. I have noticed the price of primers and powder going up, and its scarce. I try not to let my shooting slow down, cutting back of other things, (food, gas, etc), raising the rent on widows and orphan tenants, so I can keep going. I just dont see how people can do it without reloading.


New member

please bear in mind that commercial 30-06 is not M2 ball 30-06

M2 Ball is what rifles like the M1 wants. A modern rifle does not require it and there are differences in the powder used in M2 ball and what places like Winchester typically uses

So if you're trying to use the CMP for 30-06 because you feel that "30-06 is all the same and I need some for my hunting rifle", you might want to look into the differences between 30-06 ammo and M2 ball. If you want to use commerical 30-06 in your M1, get an adjustable gas plug before you damage your gas system


New member
We should start a rumor that GM cars and trucks are in short supply. That should take care of the oversupply problem and people wouldn't have as much money to horde ammo.

People on these boards are often part of the hording problem; not the solution.



New member
When do you suppose the last time .30-06 military ball (or AP) ammunition was manufactured here? Even when I was in the army (late 60s), it was still being used in training and National Guard units were still equipped with M1s and BARs into the 1970s. For that matter, when was the last time military ball ammo was loaded for 8mm Mauser, 7mm Mauser and all the other Mauser rounds, .30 Carbine, .303 British and all the other now obsolete calibers? There is never an inexhaustible supply and sooner or later, it runs out.

That said, probably later than you think. There were M1s and Lee-Enfields still being manufactured in the 1950s, perhaps as late as 1957.


New member
We should start a rumor that GM cars and trucks are in short supply

That's not a rumor. New federal laws will make most current cars illegal after July, but if you already have one you can keep it. These are secret laws, so don't even bother trying to look them up, but I know someone who met a girl who's brother works with someone who saw the actual law written down on paper.

Ammo seems about like AR parts. Just gotta keep your eyes open and be ready to buy when it shows up on the shelves. Sometimes it helps to get friendly with your sporting goods/hardware clerk. I've been able to get ammo just by finding out when they expect a shipment to arrive.