What happened to me?


New member
I took up shooting five years ago, and didn't think I'd ever own a revolver. Now my safe is bulging with revolvers, and all I can think about is the next one. Oh the humanity.
Welcome to the addiction

You say that like it's a bad thing. I like wheel gun better then bottom feeders, I don't have to pick up the brass after shooting. Revolvers are just cool to shoot and the weight and feel of steel in your hand is the best feeling. I like 1911s for the same reason, real steel and wood grips.


New member
I started the handgun thing with revolvers, do own and shoot autos but for most shooting prefer revolvers. About the only thing autos do better than revolvers is hold more rounds. The revolver is better at everything else except certain target games.


New member
I like them all, so long as they're well made and function as advertised.

Shell shuckers, wheel guns, single shots, target, plinker, combat, plastic, steel or aluminum. I want them all.


New member
Let's see what you got!

I always liked revolver, but for my first real handgun it was a Semi.

TBS, I now have more revolvers than semi's.


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I've always heard you can judge a man's intelligence by how often he agrees with you.

I'd say you're pretty smart. :D


New member
Interesting story. My dad used to build guns, so my bro and sis and myself have grown up around them. We all got out of guns for a while and just recently, I picked up shooting with my oldest son (two years ago). We've got a nice choice of "shooters". A couple of weeks ago, I asked my brother if he wanted to go to the gun shop with me. He did, and bought a 9mm, him-hawin' the whole time about whether he should, does he REALLY need one, etc.

less than a month later, he owns an AR, an SR22 and a 30-30 Marlin. I can't say that I'm helping him much, we went to the gun store and BOTH walked out with goodies! He started on the tactical route but, the lever gun is starting to grow on him now. :D

My sister is coming down to visit over Christmas and I've got to be sure that we've got some 9mm rounds since she's bringing down HER firearm!


New member
It's 'normal'.... But there does comes a point :) .

I've backed off a bit.... on the buying of new revolvers... but not the shooting :) . I am a Single Action man, Rugers mostly. I have my .22, .357, .44s, .45s revolvers... Now I am learning to really shoot them well. All dialed in to shoot to POA. The .22 gets the most use for target practice as well as hip shooting, but I usually shoot 50-100 rounds or so of .45 Colt or .44Spec when I am out as well.... Trying to pick up the speed a bit and still shoot accurately.... It's funny when you think are doing good and then try for a 'little' more speed ... Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit, Miss.... All fun! Never have had any use for autos...
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I prefer the revolver, both da and single action, because when I aim at something I get the feeling that I'm going to hit it. The only auto loader I feel this way is the Colt 1911.

For the most part, revolvers, both da and single action have better trigger pull than auto loaders.

Semper Fi.

Gunnery Sergesnt
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired


New member
Yeah, I got a late start on revolvers too. I was raised a semi-auto guy (my dad had a 1911), and I always thought that revolvers looked like the "cowboys and Indians" cap guns I had grown up with.

Bought my first revolver at about age 25, and it was such a POS (Rossi) that it turned me off revolvers until I bought my first S&W (an old Model 66) in 2001...almost twenty years later.

Today I really like me some S&W revolvers. I've probably owned well over 20 since then, and although I keep it down to a few (buy one, sell one) I treasure the ones I own.

As I grow older, I realize that I don't need to own one of everything. Owning a few that I really like is okay.


New member
I've shot and owned rifles and pistols since age eight. I won't get into how old I am, but suffice it to say I probably older than 70 percent of the folks on this site.

It wasn't until June of this year I bought my first and now I have four S&W revolvers.

Deaf Smith

New member
I was infected with the disease of 'guncolletivus' many a winter ago.

I've owned more guns than alot of gunshops have but then I know some folk that have more handguns than I have guns, and have more rifles than I have guns, plus more shotguns than I have guns (and there guns include Colt SAA and Lugers!!!)

Sigh.. but this grave disease, 'guncolletivus', just can't be beat unless you are broke. That is the only cure.

But never fear! Obama is trying to free you of that disease through a technique called 'abjectivus povertyious'!

Hope for change in 2012.



New member
As I grow older, I realize that I don't need to own one of everything... Really? Why not?

Zhills, welcome to the club. I started off with a S&W Spanish copy way back about 1962 for my first handgun of any type, and it shot like.....well, let's just say it shot. Most of the time. Sometimes I even hit what I was aiming at.

Fast forward to today. I have the S&W pinned bug, and I'm happy to say I have one of each model of Smith revolver that was available in a pinned barrel version. Some I shoot, and some are still unfired. All of them I like to admire, and sometimes display for the enjoyment of others.


I like bottom loaders but I like the revolvers just as well. :D I have three revolvers in my concealed carry rotation and will add another this Xmas, most likely a S&W.


New member
My dad gave me my first revolver when I was about 12. It was a S&W Mod. 28 Dad used it once when he took second in the Colorado state law enforcement invitational. He was not active in law enforcement, he was an auxiliary deputy. He took the gun off his store shelf, NIB, cleaned it and went to the competition. I still have it and even though I have other revolvers and auto loaders it is still the one I shoot the most and get the best accuracy with. I do not think any advancement in pistols will ever replace revolvers as my favorite.