What guns are women buying?


New member
After watching a recent episode of Sons Of Guns (and shaking my head a lot at the thought of an 8" derringer being considered a "ladies' gun"), I started thinking.....

Is there any hard data being collected that shows what type of handguns are being bought by women....esp. first-time buyers? And where would I go to find such data?

Are women buying pocket autos?....snub revolvers?....Glocks?.....Judges?......

Can anyone point me in the right direction?.....

Thanks in advance.....


New member
Ms M&P has taken a liking to the Mosin Nagant 91/30. She has a Bersa Thunder 9 mm UC of her own. She likes all of mine so far.

Not to mention that a ceartain CZ 527 American is unoficialy hers now. (At least she thinks so.:p)

She likes my new Mod 67 prety well. She has a liking for single action revolvers of the old style. There may be a new .357 Mag in her near future.


New member
I can tell you at the last several gun shows. I couldn't get close to the Sig p238 area a lot of women their.


New member
For hard data, or the closest thing that passes for it, you'd want to see reports from the NSSF (www.nssf.org), the industry trade association that organizes the SHOT Show every year. They keep their members fairly up to date with market trends.



New member

pink ones

If I ever buy my wife a pink gun I'm going to get to know my couch really well :D

My wife carries either a Ladysmith 60 .357 in a Momma's Purse, or a S&W 469 on a belt holster. Plus a few 12 and 20 gauge bird guns.


New member
I have a Sig P250, a Beretta Px4 in a .45, H&K .40(compact), Taurus 24/7 in .40.
and just bought a dave wesson 44vh... (just to name a few)

yeah my 24/7 is pink but I doubt anyone would laugh if they ended up on the wrong side of it... :D


New member
My wifes house gun is a 686 in a 4".

My neighber gal up the roads house gun is a 4" HB Model 10.

The daughter in law picked a 4" HB Model 64 for her house gun.

All of tryed a selection of handguns, to include some semi autoes.

Most new lady shooters I work with at the range seem to like 4" K Frame 38's best for house guns.



New member
....Most new lady shooters I work with at the range seem to like 4" K Frame 38's best for house guns.

^^good answer.
Not new to shooting but I'll have to admit I'm guilty... I have 2 of these also.
think it's just a comfy gun that's accurate and shooter friendly.


My wife prefers a Ruger GP100 ,357 Magnum loaded with full house loads but carries an SR9C loaded with 147gr JHPs. Black, never pink, stainless revolvers and she outshoots a lot of men, too.


New member
This isn't great market research (N=1) but my wife's handgun is a Glock 19...managable recoil, simple manual of arms, compact size. I also bought her a BHP 9 (which was probably more for me!)


New member
All the women I know that CCW carry either .380's or .38 snubs--the only exception are two and they carry mouse guns (.25&.22lr).

-Happy Holidays


New member
We were just talking about that over to ma Dads Gun shop the other day.. He teaches CCW Classes and was telling me alot of Women lately are buying .45's not .380's in smaller compact models. which surprised me. More Guys are buying up the P-238 .380's... go figure.


New member
... was telling me alot of Women lately are buying .45's not .380's in smaller compact models. which surprised me. More Guys are buying up the P-238 .380's... go figure.

Heh. Last year's Christmas gifts were the wrong size, so everyone's exchanging 'em for their polar opposites this year.

Next year, after everyone has been to the range (or tried to carry) a few times, everyone will suddenly discover that a small but not tiny 9mm provides the best of many worlds... :D



New member
My wife will shoot any gun I have, and this includes shotguns, .45 ACP, 357 magnum and etc. She personally selected and carries a Beretta Tomcat. Recently she has been complaining about the additional weight it creates in her purse and would like a lighter carry.

I will have to research for some lighter pistol for her to look at. I keep telling her to take some of the change out of her purse. I also agree with the other poster, and hand size is a big factor.

Grant D

New member
My wife has a Walther PPK in her console, a Smith 637 in her purse, and a Colt Detective Special on her nightstand. (she also has a True Texan Coyote Special Ruger LCP)