What gun should I get?


New member

I'm not going to argue Firearms laws. Just be sure in your state a family gift allows gifting a handgun to a minor. Don't ask the local police chief either that isn't a 100% reliable source of information, especially when the ATF is involved.

Good Day, be safe.

P.S. Punctuation, capitalization and paragraphs would do wonders on making your posts much easier to read.

Lost Sheep

New member
Horse's mouth


It would take a truly callous and zealous BATFE agent to jump on the father for buying a pistol for his own son, but if the money came from the son (via loan makes this area somewhat arguable) it could be construed as a straw purchase, and maybe even an illegal straw purchase (not all straw purchases are).

Legality, innocence and guilt aside, just the hassle of an investigation is more trouble than anyone needs. Hence, the advice to be discreet about your intentions.

Texasfirearmfan, whether you found advice given to you to be snide, insulting, condescending or what, please consider that it is given in the spirit of being helpful.

I am now going to step outside the bounds of good manners and offer advice I have no standing to give. If I offend anyone, please forgive me.

Handshakes and apologies all around?

Lost Sheep


New member
I would wait for a better AK. I hate the beretta M9 I ditched it and the M14 as soon as I joined a unit that gave me that option. I'm not a fan of 9mil for hunting or self defense while I have used AKs for everything from combat to shooting squirrels and think they are superb firearms but there are a lot of crap ones out there too.

Lost Sheep

New member
TunnelRat said:
Also I don't see how this is a straw purchase. The dad is the one buying the gun. From what I gather he is just letting his son give input on the next one. The dad keeps possession, but the son can use it with his supervision. How is that illegal?
"Constructive possession" weighs in as well as the legitimacy of the "straw loan".

I am not a lawyer, but I know a workaround when I see one. I will not argue that the law is fair, right or even reasonable. I just know I would be careful.

The question of whether the son's use is under supervision or not has not (to my knowledge) been addressed.

Lost Sheep


New member
This is The Firing Line. The correct answer is to buy both when it is legal to do so. Until then, he'll hold them for you. Get the one you like first and save up until you can get the second.


New member
ccording to our local police chief you were right "federal law does in fact prohibit someone from purchasing a firearm for a minor WITH EXCEPTION OF FAMILY GIFT" please leave my thread. btw i said 100, nowhere near 1000 guns.
thank you

you do realize that the family gift law only applies to long arms right? you still must be 18 years old for a family member to "gift" you a handgun. which is why everyone is telling you that it is generally illegal for a minor to possess a hand gun. the only exception is where a parent has written permission from ATF to do so after making a sworn statement that a minor NEEDS that handgun for purposes such as work or team shooting sports and last I checked there are not a lot of high schools with handgun teams. your local police chief can tell you that you can own an uzi if your dad buys it for you but federal law trumps all other laws here in the good ole USA.


New member
Enough about the law. It does not matter since his parents will own the gun and take him shooting. It will be "officially" his when the time comes. All this and that about our anti-rights laws does nothing constructive and is irrelevant on a practical level. He says his parents have judged him mature enough to own a gun and that is enough. Actual ownership does not matter since he will be able to use it under supervision.


New member
on the contrary, the OP stated several times that the handgun in question is for him, bought with his money and will be purchased by a legal adult on his behalf. only once it was brought up that this act is illegal did he change the wording to make it sound legal.

the anti gun crowd is looking for anything they can to make our guns go away and a 15 year old stating over public domain that he is skirting the in place gun laws is just what they need to establish a case for stronger gun control.


New member
Fine you win

fine all of you people who are saying its a straw purchase and whatever you win.
its not a straw purchase for my dad to buy a gun and let me shoot it. heck i shouldn't have lied in the first place. the gun isn't for me its a purchase my dad is thinking of getting and i wanted to know what was better so i posted this thread stating that i wanted to get a gun. so for all you people who are saying we are breaking alot of laws we are not, my dad wouldn't buy me a gun and break the law while doing it, the only gun i can actually say is mine is a .22, i just wanted some information on the two guns so i said i was the one wanting it. though i do like guns, im just don't old enough to get one. i suppose now i will just leave this account and wait intill i am of legal age and make another one, well that is if gun are even legal then. with this small arms ban that is supost to be happening in july, thanks for all your time and im sorry for wasteing it. you can rant all you want but it really doesn't matter because none of these "staw purchases" that you say are illegal, are even real, this was just a way for me to obtain information on firearms. have a nice day. :)


New member
this was just a way for me to obtain information on firearms.

If so, you sure made a mountain out of a mole hill.

You would have been far better served being upfront with what you wanted.
