What famous American handgunner primarily uses the DA semi auto?


New member
Nate, neither of those answered my question.
How many of the handgunners you mention have used a handgun in combat that wasn't a game?

There was nothing in either link that stated they were ever in a combat encounter with a handgun. I've read many of Coopers and Taylors articles over the years and I don't recall either one of them ever claiming they ever were either.

Here's some links Nimrod

Since you have a problem with maturity I won't bother you anymore.

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3) No spamming, trolling, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor. If you take issue with a Member's position, by all means speak your mind. If you have a problem with a Member's religion, creed, national origin, sex, politics, associations or personal hygiene, take it to email.


New member
And you couldn't find a more tactful way of expressing it?

I originaly started the thread for mild entertainment value.

To watch as the users of DA/SA weapons searched for "experts" to validate there choice of personel weapon.

I need no validation for my personel weapons choices.

I can use anything from a .22 NAA mini revolver to a .500 S&W and the likely end result for the poor soul who forced me to use it would be the same.

That comes from 25+ yrs of practice not chatting on the internet.

As far as my statements I made about the 1911 while I believe they are accurate they should not invalidate anyones personel choice of handgun. If they are confident in that choice.

What started as entertainment has descended into an exercise in the restatement of the obvious and the rehashing of what I thought was common knowledge among gun people.

It is becoming quite droll.


New member

There was nothing in either link that stated they were ever in a combat encounter with a handgun. I've read many of Coopers and Taylors articles over the years and I don't recall either one of them ever claiming they ever were either.

Here is a link where Taylor talks about using a pistol in combat http://www.chucktaylorasaa.com/stoppingpower.html

I have read where Cooper talks about shooting with a 1911 for his life on two occasions although I don't have a link.


New member
To watch as the users of DA/SA weapons searched for "experts" to validate there choice of personel weapon.

I need no validation for my personel weapons choices.

I find this perplexing, perhaps I am missing something. You challenge DA/SA users to validate their weapon choice by inferring that most use 1911 style weapons then you say you don't need validation for your own choice. It seems to me that this whole thread is geared toward the purpose of validating your weapon choices.

Again, I could be wrong but that is how it is looking to me.


Actually, I believe Chuck Taylor is a pretty vocal Glock fan, is he not?

At any rate, there's a basic problem with the initial premise of this thread. If you look at the list of shooters, it becomes clear that a good number of them (including all of the revolver shooters) had their heyday before DA autos came into common usage. Seems the real issue is that many of the "high-profile" gunners formed their preferences during a different "era".


New member
You challenge DA/SA users to validate their weapon choice by inferring that most use 1911 style weapons then you say you don't need validation for your own choice. It seems to me that this whole thread is geared toward the purpose of validating your weapon choices.

There was no challenge issued only a question.

The question had nothing to do with what the majority of shooters use or what their favorite handgun is or is not.

The only challenge if indeed there was one was to name a famous Amercan handgunner who uses or used the Double Action semi automatic pistol.

A few people answered the question many others did not yet still posted anyway.

Those posters are the ones who seemed to need to validate their weapon selection.

Unless of course they just wanted to engage in some friendly back and forth disscussion.

Ernest Langdon,Maj.George Nonte, Evan Marshall were named all are famous handgunners who liked or do like and use the DA/SA.

Like I said before the whole thing was for entertainment and enjoyment if some people took it too serious and got angry or offended I apologize to them.

Actually, I believe Chuck Taylor is a pretty vocal Glock fan, is he not?

Yes he is and the 1911 as well.

I like Glocks too I have a Glock 21,22 and 19.

Glocks are not DA/SA.

I only have one DA/SA an eagle N stamped PPK 7.65 I kinda like it.

Once I had a P-38 wish I had it back.

Right now I'm considering getting a Beretta M9 25th aniversary issue.


New member
Nate45, just a clarification, if you will.

I understood your original query to be about double actions. I did not take that to mean da/sa. My understanding was for double action only, though that is completely my interpretation.

In my tiny little mind, I put Glocks into a double-action category, hence my reply with Jim Cirillo being mentioned.

Is a Glock a DAO? My understanding of the firing system would lead me to believe that it can be categorized as a double action only.

What says the learned forum?


New member
Is a Glock a DAO? My understanding of the firing system would lead me to believe that it can be categorized as a double action only.

What says the learned forum?

According to ATFE, it's DAO.


According to ATFE, it's DAO.
They only have a few categories to use for classification, they decided that DAO fit the Glock best.

If you want to get technical, it's neither fish nor fowl. Externally acts like an SA, internally it's an SAO/DAO hybrid. The slide must partially (performs about half the striker spring compression) cock the action before the trigger can have any effect. The trigger finishes the cocking action and fires the gun.


New member

(... and the US military.)


FWIW, Jeff Cooper is as much of a blowhard as Rush Limbaugh, but at least he's already dead.


New member
dogngun: So does the French military, but I wouldn't use that as a selling point, either (remember, military contracts are give to the lowest bidder... ;) )

BTW, as a former Dittohead & Vicodin user, I can say that NOBODY OUT-BLOWS LIMBAUGH... :p


New member
For years the 1911 was the best combat handgun. Those days are over. Today the more modern designs are more reliable in bad conditions and they have a higher capacity.

If you assume the 1911 design is still the best you are living in the past.


New member
I thouht it was humourous 3 weeks ago.....

when people were trying to defend the crunchenticker instead of naming famous hangunners who primarily used it.

Now that it's been dusted off and brought back these last posts are making my side hurt.:D