What famous American handgunner primarily uses the DA semi auto?


New member
Jeff Cooper,Clint Smith, Rob Leatham,Chuck Taylor, Ross Siefried, Me, ect, ect, ect all use the SA auto the 1911 in particular.

Bill Jordan,Elmer Keith,Skeeter Skelton,Ed McGivern,Thell Reed ect, ect, all are famous for using the DA or SA revolver.

What gunman is famous for using and advocating the DA semi auto?

Is it kind of like when Limbaugh asks you to name history's great moderates?

Me thinks it is.
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New member

Ernest Langdon.

Thats amazing that a man with that much talent would devote himself to the DA semi-auto.

Well I guess he fills a niche as inspiration to those that can't see or won't accept the obvious and inherent superiority of the 1911.

Not to mention all the money he makes from Beretta and Sig.


New member
I believe he is with S&W now

I wasn't aware of that thanks for the info.

I bet he made the switch so he could use the S&W 1911 and not be handicapped when he is up against Rob.:)


New member
Jack Bauer?

Come on guys get real what about John McClane and Sergeant Martin Riggs.




New member
This was way back in the day (1970's), but the late George Nonte was a strong advocate of the DA auto.


New member
This was way back in the day (1970's), but the late George Nonte was a strong advocate of the DA auto.
Yes I believe it was the S&W Mod 39 he was fond of for how did he put it "serious social intercourse" Pshaw


New member
If I'm not mistaken, the late Jim Cirillo was a strong Glock advocate. However, I don't know if he actually used one in any of his encounters.

I'm going to have to read a lot more about the guy. It's a shame that it took his death to bring him onto my radar.


New member
If I'm not mistaken, the late Jim Cirillo was a strong Glock advocate. However, I don't know if he actually used one in any of his encounters.

If I'm not mistaken Glocks weren't even made until after all of his encounters. All of his shootings were while he was working stakeout duty during the 70s and maybe early 80s. I threw his book away and don't remember exactly when it ended.


New member
If I'm not mistaken, the late Jim Cirillo was a strong Glock advocate. However, I don't know if he actually used one in any of his encounters.

If I'm not mistaken Glocks weren't even made until after all of his encounters. All of his shootings were while he was working stakeout duty during the 70s and maybe early 80s. I threw his book away and don't remember exactly when it ended.
Not to mention that Glocks aren't DAO. Similar in feel I guess, but not true DAO's.



Point of clarification

Are you asking about those who use/advocate (1) DAOs, (2) DA/SAs, (3) Pre-sprung DAOs, or (4) Any/all of above?

John McClane - ha - when's that new Die Hard movie coming out?