What do you think of this S&W Model 64?


New member
Beautiful finish on that M&P!

Only old one I have is a 60s era beat up 10-5.



New member

1)Thank you for your compliment on my M64-3:)!

2)I hope that this won't make you feel bad? but, I know exactly what you mean by saying how hard it was to find the perfect Model 67! I searched for years, until one day a few years ago I FINALLY got lucky and found an NIB(Unfired)M67(No dash number)in an out of town sporting goods store! This M67 is pictured below and is still in the same condition as seen in the following pictures:eek::



New member
Nice collection of Smiths. I have three M&Ps, two Model 10s and a Model 64-3. All are in very good condition and all are great shooters. There is just something about shooting .38s from an M&P that keeps me pulling them out of the locker.

I also have a Model 67-1, but it's much less "purdy" than yours. It is, however, a good shooter and, since it isn't pristine, it gets shot more often than some of it's brethren.

I'd say your "accidental discovery" was the kind of accident most here wouldn't mind happening to us. Congratulations.


New member

Thanks four the compliment on my collection of Smith's! You have got a sweet group of M&P's also-and, thanks for letting me know how well all of them shoot-because I have yet to fire my first M&P:eek:!


Here's mine.

I got the Safariland holster off ebay for $7.50 + shipping and the hogue grips for $14.99 + shipping! Aint ebay grand?


Thank you, and yes I did. I used Mothers' mag polish and ALOT of elbow grease. It could still stand a few more sessions as it hasn't quite come up as nice as my 686 did,

but it looks much better then it did when I bought it.
I'm actually meeting some guys from work right now to go shooting and can't wait to go show it off.:D


New member
The 64 is a classic. Mine also has a 4-inch heavy barrel. It's an ex-prison system gun that was sold at auction. Except for an inventory number scratched on the flat under the barrel (and largely out of sight :) ), it was like new.


New member

1)Beautiful M686!:)

2)Excellent polishing job too! You did your homework on that M686!:eek:

3)I have an M686-3(4-inch)revolver that I'm going to have to get busy polishing-to achieve what you have already accomplished on your M686?:rolleyes:


thanx again, boa. My hands went numb rubbing that gun. I hardly shoot it and tell myself it's because of the cost of 357mag ammo, but in reality I know it's because I don't want to dirty it up.:cool:
My co-workers were impressed today with the model 64 I brought. I don't think because of how shiney it was, but because of how cool it felt to hold, being it has excellent balance. Both of them commented on how they now want to buy a revolver. One of the young lads had just picked up and was shooting for first time his Taurus PT145, a nice gun as well.


New member
Boa, your 64 is VERY nice.

It's better looking than mine, mine was a police trade in. But, it shoots like a dream; when shot DA the trigger is excellent and when shot SA it's near perfect.

I put Hogues on mine too looks exactly like gunzrfunz's 64 but the checkering on my ejector rod is about gone.

You can't beat a good 4" .38. Sorry for the bad pic, my camera's dying.



New member

1)Despite your failing camera, I can tell that you still have a very nice and usable Model 64! Since it has the "frosted" hammer and trigger, it must be an M64-3-or, close to this?:)

2)Yes, if you had the Hogue wood grips your gun would look like mine!

3)If you were willing to take the time to give your M64 an polish job with "Flitz" or with "Mother's Mag Polish" like GunzareFunz did above, then your M64 would look like new again:confused:?

4)I'm sure that you could obtain an stainless ejector rod from Smith & Wesson if you would give their service Depatment a call? I had a mint M28-2 that needed an ejector rod and S&W sent an new one, right after I had called them!

5)Thanks for your compliment regarding my M64-3!:D


New member

Excellent advice. I'll call SW tomorrow for an ejector rod...just never thought about it.

Mine's a 64-5.

And, I gave it "Mother's" yesterday. It's like a new gun. Polishing made it look like new. There is a HUGE difference in the finish.



New member

1)Well, good for you!:D

2)There's nothing like a little "Elbow grease" to make a wonderful old M&P revolver to sparkle like a new revolver-and, to result in a better than new revolver to boot!:)

3)The Mother's Mag Polish is a little coarser than Flitz. Many times people will choose to first polish with the Mother's Mag polish-then, depending on whether or not they'll want an even higher degree of polishing-they'll finish up polishing their guns with Flitz!:eek: