What do you do with more than one of the same gun???


New member
I'm schitzo, not stupid. :D
We like the same things.
K-frame Smiths, 1911's-BHP's and lots of Lever actions :D


New member

it'slikewith my Ramington Nylon 66's... there are 4 variants "looks" wise... and Gallery guns (.22 short only) in 3 variants... + Kassnar built a replica... that is why I have 8 of these weapons... no two are alike!
Clint Smith was lecturing us on shootings and losing guns to the investigating cops, something that will definitely happen if you shoot someone, even if you are completely justified. They will do ballistics on your gun to make sure that everything stated is correct.

Anyway, as he noted, if you have a gun you really like to shoot and regularly carry or plan on using for self defense, then get another one exactly like it. If you get a custom job, then get the smith to make another just like it. Why? While no two guns will ever be exactly the same, they can be close. You should not have to sacrifice your safety by not carrying your favorite sidearm, but if you use that sidearm in a shooting, then you should have the next best thing, another one just like it.

The wife doesn't buy the reasoning and I have not two guns exactly alike although I try to have all my 1911s set up with the exact same features.

David Park

New member
Many good reasons have already mentioned, but here are two I haven't seen.

I only own one handgun, but I have three holsters for it (so far). When I buy a second handgun, I'll have to buy a new set of holsters unless I buy the same type of gun. Well, I will be forced to buy a weak-side holster just for Chow Yun-Fat carry.

Second, if a gun breaks and you can't get spare parts, it's nice to have a second identical gun you can use or cannibalize. You should have some common replacement parts on hand as well, but sometimes that's not possible.