What do the Air Marshals carry?


New member
Doesn't anyone watch mythbusters? They did that one already and busted it.

I was totally gonna bring that up, but you beat me to it!!

I always wondered about the topic of this thread as well, good info

Deaf Smith

New member
they have now been authorized to carry the 239 in .357 SIG as well.

Good for them! Some of the smaller handed shooters I'm sure appreciate the 239. As my hero, Shane, would say, "Good as any, better than most."


New member
The same kind that is given to guards that work in Nuclear Power Plants

FWIW, the DOE issued Colt 9mm SMG's were used with 9mm 124gr NATO FMJ loads... It's quite a drift from this thread, but the DOE AR15 was one very cool firearm...
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New member
Some DOE sites get these. A little much for an A.M. I guess.;)


New member
He appears to be shooting that mini gun sans ears protection. Bet he won't do that again.

Wooden bullets, Lawdy.

Having flown in an aircraft that had been perforated I can tell you it won't shred and fall out of the sky. Course that one was low and not pressurised but still, it got us there just fine.


New member
Dave85 said:
Actually they have a larger list to choose from.

Are you sure those are the firearms issued to the FFDO's or Air Marshals? From what I can discern from this page, these are the firearms and ammo which are approved for LEO to carry on the plane. I have spoken with a couple of FFDOs and they have told me that they are issued an HK USP 40. I suppose it is possible that this person went through the FFDO program before all these options.



New member
I was referring to the FFDOs in my post. I found that link some time ago when googling info on the pilot who's gun discharged a short while back. I can't remember now how I came upon it exactly now, except that I remember linking through to it while looking at the holsters FFDOs carry. Looking for it directly now, I'm not finding it. I'd say odds are pretty good that I'm wrong, then.:eek:

BTW, if these are not the pistols that are authorized for the FFDOs, and they are not the pistols authorized for the Air Marshals, and TSA agents at the security check-points are not armed, than who or what is the TSA authorizing them for?:confused:

EDIT: I just checked DeSantis' website and noticed that their F.D.O. Holster is "temporary(sic) unavailable."


New member
Federal Air Marshals currently carry SIG P229 semiautomatic pistols chambered for the .357 SIG cartridge. They use special grooved aluminum hollow point ammunition that will not penetrate aircraft skin or damage aircraft systems components.

I don't know what to think about that. Was somebody just fooling around with SWAT magazine or what? Maybe they gave them some old information. Don't know. But my ex-Army friend became an Air Marshal within six months of 9/11. He still does it. And the Speer Gold Dot load is the only thing he's ever carried on duty. They practice with the Speer Lawman blue box FMJ load. They carry the GD load. He did tell me that they briefly tried some ammo from some other company but they very quickly had reliability issues and they went back to Speer.



New member
The aircraft skin or even a window with a bullethole is no big deal. The system of a passenger jet will make up for that small loss easily. Now if a door flys off .. that's a big deal. Immediate rapid descent, O2 masks dropped, the whole nine yards.

A shot also could easily break a hydraulic line or an electrcal connection too. All that stuff has back-ups.

Any bullet that won't penetrate aluminum, wouldn't go through a rib either. The worry is having high performance rounds that over penetrate and hurt someone innocent.

Frangible bullets or HST type HPs take care of that as much as possible. The Gold Dots are similar to the Hornady brass HP that has no lead, except I think the GDs do have some amount of lead in many of them. Any of those would be a choice and apparently, from the words above, it's Gold Dots.


New member
Dave85 said:
BTW, if these are not the pistols that are authorized for the FFDOs, and they are not the pistols authorized for the Air Marshals, and TSA agents at the security check-points are not armed, than who or what is the TSA authorizing them for?

I believe these firearms are the only ones approved to be carried on the airlines by properly trained LEOs. That's my best guess from the limited info on the TSA website.



New member
I'm not sure what that list is.

It is not a list of approved handguns and ammunition for TSA issue to FAMs or FFDOs; or one of handguns and ammunition allowed on board aircraft by other entities.


I believe these firearms are the only ones approved to be carried on the airlines by properly trained LEOs.
That is definitely not true. LEO's carry their normal firearms and ammo on airlines. Nothing magical. If there's an armed agent or officer on your plane the odds are very high (50 to 1? maybe?) that it isn't a FAM.

That list is probably the list of weapons carried by armed TSA personnel. They do have investigators and probably other armed personnel.


New member
FAM's= Sig P229 in .357 sig. P239 option is probably true (haven't spoken to a FAM about it lately).
FFDO's= USPc in .40 with the LEM trigger and the ridiculous "lockable" holster. Ammo appears to be Speer Gold Dot.