what do say to a deer?


New member
i was 21 and only my 2nd year deer hunt, a doe on a full run coming my way at angle, i was sitting on a chair pack... i stood up and yelled BOO! the damn thing hit the skids and stopped dead in its tracks, i took a shot and missed.....unfortunately many of the hunters in my party heard me shout this and i had endure a full decade of hazing every preseason for it...

i scared it to death!


New member
I had an old guy about 80 tell me that he whistles or just says "hey deer!" in a firm voice; they stop and try to find the noise. Works for me; I've tried the fawn bleat, and nearly got pounced on by a bobcat once. Claws and my phizzog don't mix very well.


New member
Over the years I've think that I've heard it all.
From an old swamper hunting ground blinds, place about a 1/2" dry stick on a rock and snap it with your foot. It works most of the time.
From another who carried antlers and used low stands, drop the antlers together. It works too.
Grunt calls as long as they leave both hands free or you can pull them off convincingly by mouth.
My favorite is still the bleat by mouth, 'mmaaaaaa'. The dummies just can't seem to resist it.


New member
Just got done with first shotgun weekend here in illinois - filled both my tags. Shot a 9-pointer the first day, then the second day buck and doe come out ofthe woods early. She came very close to my tree-stand, he's in pursuit of her. I ventilated her neck and she drops like a stone. He's so horned up (11/2 year old fork-horn) he just stands there broad-side for ten minutes! I try whistling to get him to leave - nothing. Finally I lean out of my tree-stand and yell at him: "I HOPE YOU F****** LEARNED YOUR LESSON - NOW GO!" He just looks at me, no alarm, no snort or tail up and casually trots back into the woods! Go figure!:D


New member
Oddly enough, I saw a small doe standing on the side of the state route last week. She was really close to the pavement, so I stopped and told her she was too close to the road and might get hit. Her reply? "Mister, if you think I'm going back into those bushes and do that again for 3 bucks, you're nuts!"