what do say to a deer?


Staff In Memoriam
To stop him that is....
I use the MATTTT... call.... works for me but what do you say to stop one?


New member

Hotdogs you got it. Fawn in distress. I stopped two does on the dead run last week with this call by mouth. As they passed by me(15 feet away) I let out that call(real loud) and one skid to A stop and the other made A quick right and stopped. Result one Doe in the freezer.

roy reali

New member
Try This

"You'll never believe who won the election. You won't have to worry about gunfire soon." This should cause the deer, or any game for that matter, to freeze in their tracks.:D


New member
The doe bleat seems to turn them every time. I use a can for calling but revert to vocal when my hands are full.


New member
Many times when coyote calling, I have called deer-mulies- right up to us. Does, nice bucks, and entire herds have come, sometimes on the run to my tortured rabbit call, Funniest thing you ever saw. I think it triggers some instinct in them to protect a fawn in distress. I have also tried calling them when they were standing in a field, and they will take off the other direction. I think if they see you, the gig is up and it just scares them away. One time we called a huge buck within 20 yards. We were in full camo, and he wasn't winding us, but he started getting nervous and turned away. When his back was turned, I squawked and he spun around and come even closer. We did this one more time, and could no longer keep from cracking up, and finally spooked him for good. This was in late November, and the buck was a real monster like I've never encountered during the season, but he left me with memories that I'll never forget. jd

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Here's one to try. A guy dragging an 8pt told me it works and he'd just used the trick. It's only for running deer....

YELL! I mean LOUD... "HEY!"

Short and fast and LOUD. If the deer doesn't know where you are they will sometimes stop and try to verify the noise. Buys about enough time for a shot.

I did it to a doe that was bounding through the woods. She went by me at probably 15 feet but was running from something else and didn't know I was there. As I brought up my gun, "HEY!", she stopped on a dime and, on continuing, found herself short of breath and laid down for a nap.


New member
Anything but a human voice works. They don't like us much.

I do a crappy bleat sound with just my voice holding full at draw and they stop in there tracks. That is until the arrow passes through.:D

Worked for me many times.


New member
just about any noise works.. I do buck call with my voice.. sort of a blaaaaah. It works. whistleing loud has worked for me. What doesn't work is the "sound of you swearing and rifling through your hunitng coat to get the shells you forgot to put in your gun before settling down in your stand as the big buck trots away noise." And the loud and heartfelt enthusiastice "f*** " after doesn't make him come back either. I tried them both. Last Sunday. 3:30 pm. 20 yards, 8 point, enough said. Please don't reply I'll only cry.


New member
just about any noise works.. I do buck call with my voice.. sort of a blaaaaah. It works. whistleing loud has worked for me. What doesn't work is the "sound of you swearing and rifling through your hunitng coat to get the shells you forgot to put in your gun before settling down in your stand as the big buck trots away noise." And the loud and heartfelt enthusiastice "f*** " after doesn't make him come back either. I tried them both. Last Sunday. 3:30 pm. 20 yards, 8 point, enough said. Please don't reply I'll only cry.

Atleast you got tosee one. Went out twice and didn't even see as much as a squirrel. not a single thing. I am going to try again tomorrow morning.


New member
I use what I guess you'd call a 'lip squeak' - kinda raise the front lip and suck back on your teeth to make the squeaking. I practiced on a couple does over the past weekend and when the buck finally showed up, I used it to stop him between some trees & take a good shot.