What do like most about TFL?


New member
Great source of information, from a greater variety of members. There's one other board I frequented quite often, that even now seems to be dominated by about a half dozen people. It seems that half the threads start with "Question for (Joe Blow)", or "Hey (Elrod), where ya been?". Nothing especially wrong with that, but after a while it seems like you're eavesdropping on a private conversation. TFL has a much greater number and hence, variety of members.

And never thought I'd say it, but yeah, I do appreciate the fact that it is moderated. I've seen no less freedom of expression here, but a heck of a lot fewer pinhead trolls allowed to run rampant .:p geegee

J. Parker

New member
Good folks and varied opinions. Not to many enthusiests "hung up" on one type of firearm. Most folks are willing to listen to one side or the other. Best, J. Parker


New member
Im with Sam and Bulldog 44. What they said is true. Also, the ego's aren't as bad here as some other darker sites.:eek:


New member
Its like going to the gunshop and the range rolled into one , except you don't have to wait for the question to be answered , you get so many opinoins , and you don't have to duck for incoming brass from that guy in the third stall with the automag .
oh yea a lot quieter too. :rolleyes:


New member
gun forums used to be unmoderated, could say what ya want, but
now were so watched that its a fear to post some topics,I think
TFL lost alot of freedom, I saw AK-47 go moderated and go to hell
soon TFL will charge to be a member, alot of new people, alot
of members from other sites who have become TFL outspoken
favorites, but where favorites at other sites, one is the guy from
sweden or some wheres around their, allways has good shots of his AKs and his women. I don't like much about TFL anymore,
but where else to visit, and sling some BS?:D drank a few, night


New member
The first and most important fact for me is that the General Discussion Forum has the rule, "Posts must be Firearms related".

This fact for me is very important and unlike other boards where anything goes, Rich maintains a very high quality post content by this simple and easy to follow rule. :D :D :D

I simply can not stand participating in a firearm board that allows conversation in the General Forum about the type of beans you favor, the best septic system, your favorite color underwear for Sunday! :barf:

I sincerely hope that this rule, "Posts must be firearms related", for TFL never changes.

And second, I feel that the overall quality of poster/member on TFL is a notch or two above many other boards.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Most has already been said by other's; but I like TFL
for all the right reason's. Where else could you find
such an intelligent and knowledgeable bunch of good
folk's? I like excercising our right to disagree, in a
peaceful manner. As the ole' saying goes, " Ain't no
two people wired alike".

Having Fun,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


New member
You said it, Ala Dan. Many wise, friendly, and patient people post here. It should put an end to the myth of the "common" gun owner (but I know it won't).

I also appreciate the people who run this with their own dime. No popups, blinkeys, punch-the-monkeys, click-through bs here.

And let me say, as Ala Dan has said to so many others: You all are gentlemen/women and scholars.


New member
TFL. What's not to like?

Of course that thread would have been much shorter.:D

TFL does have all the things a good forum should and I'm glad it is here. Good members, good moderators and a good (and easily navigatable) layout. I can't think of one section that TFL doesn't cover regarding pistols.

More members everyday!

Keep up the good work TFL.

PS-Try the search engine. It's an encyclopedia.


New member
I like the diversity(do't use that word often). I don't own one brand of gun or think any brand is the best(like some of the Glock Talkers). TFL is a quality site like HKPRO, except you can talk about HK's or Glocks or 1911's.


New member
Why? Because the very heart of this site is about the American citizens God given right to keep and bear arms.

Why? Because I never met Gale McMillan face to face and after getting to know him here, considered him a close personal friend and wept at the news of his passing.

Why? Because you can get an answer from a pro right here when it might take you months to get it by other means.

Why? Because the ownership and staff of TFL are darned good folk in my humble opinion. Yeah, I've been called on the carpet for a thing or two when I deserved it but that is what a moderated forum is all about. :rolleyes:

Why? Because one of these days I'm going to figure out why DC has a lower member number than Rich! :)

Mal H

"Because one of these days I'm going to figure out why DC has a lower member number than Rich!"

Check again Hank. DC's is higher, but see if you can figure out who's member number is lower than Rich's (he's number 2).


New member
Lately, I especially like the fact that it's back! I couldn't believe how much I missed TFL while it was down.