What do like most about TFL?


New member
I like the fact that theri are so many well informed and knowledgable gun owners all in one place sharing info and opinions.

Calamity Jane

New member
What do I like most about TFL?

TFLers seem to have a refreshingly high concentration of the following delightful characteristics:

1). commitment to the fight to preserve our freedoms
2). intelligence
3). level-headedness
4). knowledge
5). rationality
6). razor-sharp wit
7). and just plain friendliness. :)

Calamity Jane

New member
George said:

The smell.

The smell? *sniff, sniff*

Oh. Yup, been shootin' the ol' smokepole (.50 cal. percussion pistol).

I love the smell of black powder in the evening.

Smells like...

Black powder.


Navy joe

New member
The fact that its moderated. Open forums tend to bring out the child in people and I've seen several great gathering spots absolutely ruined because of several juvenile minds who would rather call everyone names and cause trouble rather than enjoy like minded company.

Oh yeah, and everyone here likes guns! And I learn stuff too!

Dave R

New member
I enjoy the things that others have mentioned, but the things I value most are the first-hand reports:

-I tried this, this was the result
-I shot one of these, it was like...
-I got my XXX license, took a lot of work...
-I had this problem, that fixed it up...

Its just a lot of virtual experience.

Also, the "find" button is a virtual encyclopedia.

And I like the "what would you do" exercises. They make me think.


New member
Why I like TFL

1. The people here are great, very friendly and helpful
2. It's fun
3. Very informative
4. Great links
5. Appeals to the newbie (me) as well as experienced enthusiasts: cool:

Jesse H

New member
the members

I always comment how people on the other forums I frequent are never as polite, friendly, overall bad*ass.


New member
1. Large site with lots of informative posts.
2. newb friendly :D
3. mature posters
4. relatively few 'brand X' pushers


New member
Cause it's not just a forum it's an adventure........lots of real knowledgeable people and the only site I find myself reAding and learning through the search function FOR HOURS than any other site I visit.Great job to T.F.L & S.W.A.T....GREAT STUFF!


New member
This may sound strange because I don't like rules in general but TFL has the kind of rules that I tend to agree with.
They keep the dirtbags out so people who have common interest's have a place to share their knowledge and thought's
I recently posted a link to a program that I believed TFLers would enjoy and it was closed due to some of the content of the website that offered the program.
I recieved a very polite E-mail from one of the moderators requesting that I try to avoid doing it again.He explained several reasons why I should do it differently next time and I understood and respected his concerns.
Anyway I'll get to the point,besides the endless firearm knowledge I think TFL has a fine set of rules and regs as well as exellent moderators



New member
I enjoy TFL for numerous reasons, all of which have already been mentioned by other members.

Next to my primary e-mail account, it's always the first thing I check out whenever I get online and the last thing I check out before I get offline.


New member
I like everything that was mentioned above and one other thing. When you finally get to meet your fellow TFLers they are just as great in person as on the boards.:D