What Biden/Harris Mean to America

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New member
O.K. Let's say you flee one state that's almost unlivable because of high taxes and overregulation. You move to another state because of high taxes and overregulation in your old state. What sense is there to still vote for virtually every new tax and regulation like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread? Taxes and regulations tend to stick around forever, so once people fowl the nest with them, it tends to stay ruined even after the same people flee to another place to repeat the process.

Prof Young

New member
Obama couldn't get done nor will Biden.

Obama tried hard to enact new gun control laws and failed at almost every turn. As I recall he did get some restrictions on imports and that was about it. I highly suspect Biden will do no better.

As to following California, I could not agree less. The micro-stamping law is a fluke. An amazing fluke but still a fluke. The technology simply doesn't exist that could make it work. It would never ever fly at a federal level. Lots of crazy in CA. This is the state lets billions of gallons of fresh water flow into the sea while large parts of the state are in a drought. The nation does not follow California. In fact people are fleeing the state so much that the gov is trying to figure out a way to tax those who leave for leaving.

Finally, here in the Land of Lincoln with our ultra liberal state government we have must issue concealed carry laws now. I'd have to do some research to say this empirically, but as a nation I think our gun rights have been getting stronger, not weaker.

Democrat presidents will always have a severe gun control plank in their platform. Nothing new here . . .

Life is good.
Prof Young
rc said:
As attorney General, Harris implemented a rule that mandated microstamping on new guns sold in the state to allow cases to be linked to weapons.
Please explain how Harris implemented microstamping. The microstamping law was enacted by the California legislature and signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in 2013, and it was revised and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsome in 2020. So it was a law, which was not created by Kamala Harris. I don't like her but let's be fair. If the legislature passes a law and the governor signs it, isn't "implementing" the law her job as attorney general?


New member
Yeah. This thread might get the boot. However, our beloved, pro 2A Patriot President, in my opinion, Could announce a "Plan-B" IF this election is indeed stolen from US!
How about the birth of a true independent party?
The Party of the people, the Constitution, the BoR, 2A, Liberty & Freedom.
Starting out with 60-ish million members?
Maybe I'm just dreaming though. Trying to remain a positive.

Metal god

New member
My hope is The independence and whatever Republicans that voted Trump out of office in Georgia will be happy enough with that outcome and come back to the farm and vote the Republican senators in the office to have devided government.

My point about the country following California was not to mean in any way that the country will follow it Word for Word law for law . I thought that was a given but I guess I needed to state it . Anybody that wants to argue that the country doesn’t move the direction California and the West Coast does overtime is not really following the trends of the last 60 years .


New member
The California legislature had a provision that it was up to the attorney general to determine when to require micro stamping when it became available. It is a scheme, not a fluke. It is carefully worded and defended as a "gun safety" issue rather than a "gun restriction". Expect to see this kind of packaging of gun control at the federal level. Harris could not wait to implement that provision. She is no friend to the 2A crowd. She is in fact one of the most extreme anti gun politician in the country who has been groomed for this by the democrat party. Attorney general was not an opportunity to serve others to her but and opportunity to advance. it was a stepping stone as was the Senate and the eye always on the next prize because I believe she has been picked and coached for a long time. I mean at least 10 to 20 years. Listening to her and Biden tonight they are simply reading off carefully crafted speeches that hit key talking points in the socialist agenda that do not come from the heart but are written by others. While they did not specifically say they are coming for our guns, being "inclusive" they will at some point go for everything on their wish list. They talk about "uniting" the country because it sounds good but hell or high water they will tear it apart in the great reset to create their ideal world.
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