What Biden/Harris Mean to America

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It has been often stated that Barack Obama was the best gun salesman in the history of the United States. His war on legal gun ownership spurred the sale of tens of millions of guns during his years in office. The lead up to this 2020 election has seen new peaks in gun sales driven by panic over social unrest and the threat of democrats retaking control of the white house.

I have a California perspective of Harris who I believe will take control of the oval office in less than 1 year as Joe's health declines precipitously. Harris is extremely hostile to private gun owners and many gun owners who voted for her ticket are in for buyers remorse. As attorney General, Harris implemented a rule that mandated microstamping on new guns sold in the state to allow cases to be linked to weapons. To be approved, new guns have to imprint identifying information on a fired case that is easy to defeat but hard for makers to implement on a production line. Fortunately, there are still "grandfathered" models that can be made and sold as long as there are no changes to the design but the list of available models continues to decline and manufacture model lines change or the makers fail to pay the renewal fees. No more new Colt autos for our civilian market. Most Smith and Wesson's, gone. Ruger autos, nope! How about EAA? Nope, they didn't pay to stay on the approved list. We are down to some Springfield, Armscore, Kimber and CZ autos as well as a few oddballs like the firestorm from Argentina and revolvers. New Ruger 22s... outlawed. Only some models of Buckmark and high end S&W 41s can be bought new as semi auto 22 pistols. Glock 44?? Dream on! For rifles, really only the featureless versions of the Mini 14 and M1A are still available that don't require some funny work around like the "bullet button 2" which requires you to open the receiver to reload or paddles bolted onto the pistol grip to prevent you from grasping an AR or AK correctly remain legal. Even those have been targeted as semi auto rifles with detachable magazines as state democrats have attempted to broaden the scope of restricted weapons to include semi auto firearms with detachable magazines that are sometimes vilified as "weapons of war that have no place on our streets".

By hook or by crook measures sold to the nation as "reasonable" gun control safety measures like "smart gun" technology and "microstamping" will be forced on the public nationally to undermine the availability of new guns to the market. The experiment has been successful here in California with the courts failing to rule in a manner consistent with the second amendment. With fewer guns available, there are fewer guns to collect and fewer choices for new gun owners as used guns cannot be imported from out of state that don't meet the requirements. While featureless semi auto rifles are still being sold, the burden to law abiding citizens is extreme but has been upheld by those favoring gun control as "common sense" no matter how absurd and ineffective the restrictions have been.

The plan to restrict sales and register all guns is firmly in place for California. Confiscation is but one door knock away for anyone when even more restrictive measures are implemented such as the confiscation of legally owned semi automatic rifles promised by Joe Biden. Semi auto rifles in one breath will become all semi autos with detachable magazines in the next. While Australian or Canadian style gun control were once thought to be a pipe dreams of the American democrat party, the chances of gun control legislation finding its way into bills about health care, stimulus or the "Green New Deal" are more likely now than at any time in our nations history.


New member
Expect more of the same as Obama had.
The Republicans will hold either 50 or 51 Senate seats so the dems don’t get a clean sweep. As such, it’s unlikely the radical changes from green deals et al will pass.

As such, TXAZ recommends keeping ample stores of weapons and ammo on hand :)

(I’m confident we can buy enough ammo to drive the price so high that newby gun-owner-wannabes will deplete their disposable income, and not be able to make improper political donations. :D :D :D )

the US is not Kalifornia, and confiscation attempts would likely result in serious carnage.
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Metal god

New member
The Republicans will hold either 50

This means Rep. loose cus VP breaks ties . My question would be if a 50-50 tie is there a leader who decides the "majority" leadership in a tie ? Does the full senate vote for there leader and if a tie the VP also breaks that tie ?

the US is not Kalifornia,

Where CA goes the rest of the country follows and always has . From laws to cultural norms CA or coast cities in general have always lead the way for the rest of the country . I feel it's so obvious I need not give any of the thousands of examples .


New member
Expect more of the same as Obama had.
The Republicans will hold either 50 or 51 Senate seats so the dems don’t get a clean sweep. As such, it’s unlikely the radical changes from green deals et al will pass.

As such, TXAZ recommends keeping ample stores of weapons and ammo on hand :)

(I’m confident we can buy enough ammo to drive the price so high that newby gun-owner-wannabes will deplete their disposable income, and not be able to make improper political donations. :D :D :D )

the US is not Kalifornia, and confiscation attempts would likely result in serious carnage.
50 means the vice president gives the tie breaking vote. 50 is a loss for America.


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If the Dems get 50 seats in the senate the Vice President, (Harris) will get to vote to break any tie. 50 Dem Senators with a Dem in the Whitehouse means the Dems have control of the senate. There is a runoff in GA for 2 senate seats in January. I'm almost certain that one will go Democrat, the other has roughly 50/50 odds IMO right now

I've lived thorough 4 years of Carter, 8 years of Nixon/Ford, 4 years of Carter, 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush I, 8 years of Clinton, 8 years of Bush II, 8 years of Obama, and now 4 years of Trump as an adult. I have more gun rights now than at any other time in my life.

There is a solid 6/3 conservative majority on the Supreme court and there is no mood right now for more gun control even from the majority of the left. The last year has seen an epiphany among liberals as to the importance of being armed.

Yes, gun control is part of the Democratic platform, but I simply don't see any MAJOR legislation any time soon. I do look to see a push for universal background checks. But I'm not sure there is even enough support to get that through now.


New member
Good points, all valid. But have no misunderstanding, it IS on their Agenda. They want total confiscation and they won't stop until they make it happen, one new law at a time.


New member
50 means the vice president gives the tie breaking vote. 50 is a loss for America.
You're missing the finer point: A single Democrat can 'screw the pooch' by voting against the president. There are at ~ 6 'more conservative' (relatively speaking) democratic senators that have showed their independence in the past who are still there.

That means that this is far from a slam dunk for Biden.


New member
There is a solid 6/3 conservative majority on the Supreme court and there is no mood right now for more gun control even from the majority of the left. The last year has seen an epiphany among liberals as to the importance of being armed.

Yes, gun control is part of the Democratic platform, but I simply don't see any MAJOR legislation any time soon. I do look to see a push for universal background checks. But I'm not sure there is even enough support to get that through now.

I'll give you it's more like a 5.5 / 4.5 conservative majority.
And that's the Ace in the Hole. Great point JMR.


New member
how did the last Supreme Court nominee vote go? straight down partly lines.

a 50/50 senate is a loss for the right.


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Call me crazy,but the Constitution does not give the media the power to call an election.The speed is literally about pulling a fast one.

I'll admit,things are looking a bit dark for me,

But a fair amount of shady stuff has been uncovered,and some things are in court or being investigated.

Time will tell.


New member
If you had asked me in 1985 about California, I would tell you it's a great place to live with conservative values in most of the state and reasonable gun laws better than those in New York, Chicago, etc. Now we live under some of the worst laws in the country with almost every county dominated by one party rule. California may not reflect the values of the rest of the country but the elite here are willing to use money and power to manipulate political outcomes in other places to impose the California agenda on the rest of the country. That's why we have money from outside a district in solid republican areas being pumped into democrat campaigns to buy seats in government.

Kamala is the anointed one by the king makers in the Democratic party who are the real puppet masters behind the scenes. The Democratic primary was in my opinion stolen from Bernie to give to Biden just like it was stolen from Bernie to give to Hillary. I feel like Harris had already been picked long before potential VP picks were announced to the public. She could not get the the oval office on her own merits but will with smoke and mirror political moves backed by the deep state. Now she is set to become the president in fact once Joe loses his mind completely. This is not a remote possibility but a very real threat. Can you imagine Harris and AOC as president and vice president? What I worry about is that we now only have the illusion of free and fair elections because nefarious entities oppose voter ID, residency verification , citizenship varification, signature verification, physical presence to vote and even proof of life.

I think when the dust settles from all the lawsuits Trump has filed, we are going to have a better understanding of the extent of corrupt voting practices that have been influencing local and national election outcomes.


New member
With a Biden/Harris victory, I'm expecting that the high demand for guns and ammo, (and thus shortages), will continue for at least another year, or four. Hopefully, the next president after Biden will be the best for all of us in a long time. The next four years will be interesting; hopefully better than we expect. I think the 2nd Amendment will survive.


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From what I've seen it's a stolen election and if allowed to happen, the likelihood of a free and honest election happening after this is a long shot indeed...



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If we can't keep this legitimately on topic, I'm thinking that this thread might soon get closed as it gets derailed into political fragments.


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So... back to gun related.
What would a mandatory buy back (“Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15 and AK-47”) look like?

Who sets the price paid to “buy back” my $3000 AR?

Do i strip the lower and just turn that in? In hopes that at some future time they can be possessed again?


New member
TexAZ, listen to Metal God. I live in CA too. Don't look around in Texas and think you're okay. The Liberalism here in CA started in Berkeley and SF. The county I lived in was gerrymandered and became Liberal. Then, that Liberalism moved to the next and then the next county north. Meanwhile, Californians moved to Oregon. Now Oregon is Blue. Same with Seattle. My best high school buddy moved to Arizona to get away from the gun control. You can see, in the last election AZ turned Blue. I phoned him and asked, "what happened?!". He replied, Californians! He said it started slow and picked up. Now, the Dems control the State and County and City level, as he told me. Look what happened to Virginia last year with their Governor. Now, California are leaving in droves. I watched a youtube video last night inviting Californians to Dallas. Don't expect them to be Texans. They'll want you to be Californians, be nice to take some of it, and want more later. Californian Liberals are very aggressive in getting into government. Getting back to Californians leaving. Any Idahoans here? Californians are moving there because it's cheap to us. My 1.5 BR/2 bath is $750,000 here in the SF Bay Area. I'd love to have a big house. My daughter's friend moved to Idaho with her family. She complained that there were too many Republicans there. So, guess what will happen when more Californians populate the large cities? The same as everywhere else. Lastly, consider sending President Trump a Thanksgiving Card. He's done a lot for us and the 2nd Amendment. He's taken and will take a lot of stress from the Liberals and token help from the Republicans. I think we owe it to him to mail at least a thank you card to boost him up and say we appreciate his sacrifice. If every supporter sent a letter to him, it would send a message to the Democrats like scene in Hunger Games.


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Sorry for getting off topic, I don't need to say much about why I feel this way.

Anyway I just gave all my semiauto rifles to a friend in Wyoming. ;)



New member
Price on the Biden buy back for "assault rifles" program??
Actually, you won't see any cash. AOC may advocate for a Green New Deal tax credit... when your heating fuel / electric bill doubles, the Government will give you a $400 deduction. :D
Fun times ahead in 2021!
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