What are your methods?


New member
Youse guys are far more elaborate than I am.

Press, C Clamp and I keep the seating dies in the gun box with the shell holders.


New member
Youse guys are far more elaborate than I am.

I used to forget at least one thing every time I went to the range. So with the help of my lovely but very OCD wife I organized everything with plastic tubs, small toolbags etc. Plus being retired and loving to piddle in my shop I made that out of the scraps I had laying around from other projects. The trickler was fashioned from some copper plumbing fittings I had left over from piping in a water heater for my brother in law and a old .308 case for the handle. The scale has it's little drawer and a window so you can trickle charges to exact weight with the scale inside without fighting the wind

I set it up powder, cases, bullets etc the night before and when I get to the range and I need my calipers I know I have them
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