What are you getting for accuracy out of your AK?


I'm not saying it's not an accurate rifle because it's more than proven itself to be accurate enough over the last 50 or so years. I'm just wondering if the round is capable of doing much better in say a bolt action rifle. I know CZ makes a bolt action rifle and Ruger has the Mini 30 semi auto, but I don't know much about them and their accuracy.


New member
I don't want to ruffle any feathers with this question but why is the AK47 not very accurate? Is it the rifle or the round?

The reason AKs will never be precision rifles is because of the design. They're designed to flex when firing (much more so than most rifles). Watch this quick video to see what I'm talking about.

Another reason you'll hear a lot of shooters say "my AK doesn't get better than 6-8'' groups is due to a combination of the short sight radius, leaf style rear sight, and their lack of understanding on how to employ the sighting system properly.

It depends on whether you are judging it against a precision rifle or military rifle, coldbeer. Against the former, it's a dog. Against the latter, it does OK.



New member
The reason AKs will never be precision rifles is because of the design. They're designed to flex when firing (much more so than most rifles).

Would that be called flex, or barrel whip? And does this flex / barrel whip come from the thin walled barrel or from the sheet metal receiver?

Either way I’m not sure it was intentional. What was intentional was the low cost and speed of production. Or I could be wrong.

In my less than expert opinion, the reason the AK platform rifle does not shine when it comes to accuracy is because it was designed to function in less than optimal conditions, with loose tolerances allowing it to work when others would jam up.

Educate me, please.

I’m happy with my Saiga. It does what I expected out of it. Consistently hit full sized silhouette targets out to 300 yards, and do it in less than perfect conditions. I have a rifle that will consistently hit silhouette targets out to 800 yards, but it’s a bolt action that cost me $3K, not a semi that cost me $400. Different tools for different jobs.


New member
Would that be called flex, or barrel whip? And does this flex / barrel whip come from the thin walled barrel or from the sheet metal receiver?

Either way I’m not sure it was intentional. What was intentional was the low cost and speed of production. Or I could be wrong.

Flex (the barrel whips as well though). With the exception of the furniture almost the entire gun flexes; including the receiver. Mr. Kalashnakov stated it was intentional. He has also stated that he believes stamped rifles are overall better rifles than milled versions due to their ability to flex more but that's a huge rabbit hole for another thread.


New member

Lots of big chunky parts slamming around when an AK fires, typically not conducive to best accuracy, though I guess an M1 or M14 would be the counter argument. Also, +1 to bad sights and short radius. Also, quality of manufacture all over the map.....literally. And surplus/combloc ammo quality is same same.


New member
"The AK's short sight radius"

Let's put that one to bed right now.
