What are you getting for accuracy out of your AK?

Darker Loaf

New member
With 7.62x39mm Wolf and Tula FMJ/Hollow Points (123 grainers), I was getting 2-4" groups at 100 yards with a x4 Accupoint. 2" was my best group with more realistic groups at 3-5".

I was shooting a milled SAM7-SF, made in Bulgaria, imported via Arsenal.

I wasn't very happy with the groups, but today I took her out with Hornady 123 gr SST's and got pretty consistent 2" groups at 100 yards. I'm pretty happy with the Hornady and the price wasn't too bad at $30 per 50. I think I could do better as I was rushing and my bench was pretty wobbly.

What are you guys able to get out of your AK's?


New member
I have a NHM-91 and the steel cased ammo (Herters) gives me, typically, garbage groups of 7" or so at 100 yards.

Brass cased Federal does much better, around 4-5", and my hand loads get me into the 2-3" realm, particularly if I use the .310 170gr lead over a pleasant AA2520 load.

Maybe the crown is damaged, I don't know, and I don't really care, as it's just a blaster anyways. But it's fun sometimes, and a bit frustrating, to see what kind of groups I can get.

These rifles are just no match for an M1A, AR or even my Galils or Mini-14.

No doubt there are a few good ones out there, but mine is not...but it's a lot of fun to shoot, and never has malfunctions, which is the very best part. Plus, the long barrel is kinda cool...but for sure hasn't helped my groups much.


Darker Loaf

New member
RE Tomas: A 7" group is sort of impressive in it's own right! Heh! At least you can get it down to 2-3" with handloads. Thanks for the report. It's always interesting to know what other people can get with their equipment.


New member

Ran a similar thread week or so ago.

I wanged off 3 rds of Tula FMJ at 100 the other day, supported off the side of a tree, in the wind and rain, and ended up with 6.5".

MISR-90, E. German "night sights', similar to XS big dots.


New member
Re Guggmeister: Cool! Right on. Stamped or milled. What ammo?

Milled. Whatever ammo is cheapest: Wolf, surplus, barnaul...

I tried it with an 8x POSP scope too. Not much difference at 100 meters, but could hit stuff at 300 meters that previously I could not even see.

As a benchmark, my S&W M&P 15 groups using S&B bulk ammo are half the size using iron sights.


New member
The Yugo UF I used to own was very accurate. The first time I shot it at 100yds, a match competitor at my rifle club was practicing with his Garand...and I shot a smaller group.
Currently, I'm shooting a Saiga 5.45 conversion. I get the same groups shooting 7N6 with it I get from a 16" AR using good ammo it likes.


New member
I've got a 2008 WASR-10/63. It’s just the basic Romanian AK-47. I did a few simple improvements and it worked out really well. 5 rounds of Tula FMJ fired over the range bag at an 8” bull, at 196 yards. It measured 3 1/4 inches.


WASR 10/63 Range Report


New member
I have a Saiga .223 which is close to a AK47, kinda sorta. With iron sights and Tulammo I get around 6 inch groups at 100 yards. With Lake City M855 I get around 4 inch groups. Just mounted a dot sight, but haven’t tried it yet. Hoping to cut those groups in half, but that might be asking a bit too much.


New member
I have a Saiga .223 which is close to a AK47, kinda sorta. With iron sights and Tulammo I get around 6 inch groups at 100 yards. With Lake City M855 I get around 4 inch groups. Just mounted a dot sight, but haven’t tried it yet. Hoping to cut those groups in half, but that might be asking a bit too much.

It will. Mine gets 1.5-2'' groups with quality heavy weight ammo. I have a pending review on it when I'll demonstrate it in action. My 5.45 SLR will do the same.
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Darker Loaf

New member
RE plouffedaddy: What ammo? Those are good groups. I hear the caliber (5.45x39) is inherently more accurate. Would you say so?


New member
I can get fairly consistent 3"-4" groups, rested at 100', iron sights, from either of my AKs, regardless of what ammo I'm using. Sometimes I can get a bit better.....sometimes they widen a bit. I don't really expect anything better from essentially rebuilt milsurp parts and cheap ammo. If I was ever in a situation where I might need that type of rifle, just about any AK is still the first thing I'd grab.


New member
3-5 was about all I ever got out of mine regardless of the sights I used. they were designed to kill a person at combat ranges(usually less than 200 yards) 5 inches is plenty to do that with but not that great for someone that actually needs accuracy. the SKS seems to get markably better groups, mine is definitely capable of under 2 MOA.


New member
Got my red dot sighted Saiga 223 out today. Rough zero at 50 yards just to get it on paper, then backed it out to 100 yards. Using Tulammo (which gives me 6 inch groups at 100 with irons) it shot just a touch under 4 with the dot sight. Backed it out to 200 yards and was able to keep 30 rounds in the black on a half scale silhouette target. So I’m guessing I should have no problem out to 300 yards on a full sized silhouette. I can live with that. Pretty much all the rifle was designed to do anyhow.

I didn’t try any M855 or any of my reloads today. I did bring some along but I didn’t dress warm enough for the weather. Hard to concentrate on shooting when you are shivering.


I don't want to ruffle any feathers with this question but why is the AK47 not very accurate? Is it the rifle or the round?


New member
It depends on whether you are judging it against a precision rifle or military rifle, coldbeer. Against the former, it's a dog. Against the latter, it does OK.