What are these items?


New member
What are these items for? the barrel is .308. and I think the one is part of a range finder or something.
Picture 160.jpg




New member
42020 is the barrel assembly from an Israeli FAL.

42021 kind of looks like a cast bullet sizer.

42024 is an M14E2 stock.

42025 is an M1 Carbine stock.

42026 looks like an aftermarket M1 Carbine stock.

42028 is a bipod off of something. I have no idea what.

42029 is a .22LR conversion kit for a G3 or HK91.

I don't know about the rest of them.

Do I get the ones I can identify?


Active member
That bipod goes with the Israeli FAL Heavy Barrel in the first picture.

Just to let you know, some of that stuff is pretty desireable and has more value than you might know. You should reserach the prices on these things.


New member
42021 is an RCBS primer tool. It uses standard shell holders. The arm is designed to hold a tube of about a hundred primers and feed them one at a time.


New member
I'm trying to find out exactly what these are so I can find prices and sell them. and I'm trying to decide weather to sell the conversion kit or keep it and buy the gun that it goes to. suppose it won't be cheap though. LOL. I have a Swiss range finder and was thinking maybe the thing with the white plates goes with that????? I really appreciate the reply's guys thanks.