What a horrible time to buy a gun!!!!!!!!!!


New member
This past saturday at the gunshow, I'll bet I saw one dealer sell 30 Mini 14s before noon! Prices were deffinitely higher than before Sept 11. By 2:00 the place still had a lot of stragglers. Hope we get a lot of new converts to the RKBA.

My only real complaint is that the price of ammo has risen considerably.

44 Dan

New member
You still can't get into the place on Saturdays. Busy, busy, busy and they are doing an excellent job of keeping a wide variety of weapons/ammo in stock. Prices are staying resonable as well. All the Pawn Shops are gouging as are some of the local gun shops.
Check them out if you're having a hard time finding something.

7th Fleet

New member
I just bought a Norinco SKS at a local Pawn Shop for 100 bucks out the door and the rifle looks brand new and it has the blade bayonet on it.
Check at your local Pawn Shops I have seen some really good deals in the ones in my area and they will deal with you. I have always been able to get them to knock a few dollars off of their asking price.



New member
Metro Philadelphia:

Visited three gun shops last weekend and my local indoor range. Traffic normal, plenty of product on the shelves (especially handguns). Prices up $50 - $100 depending on product. Full spectrum of long guns and ammo. No evidence of any panic buying post 911. PA is a very gun friendly state and so those that want to own already have and those that don't sit in fear crying for Big Brother to protect them.



New member
Metro Philadelphia:

Visited three gun shops last weekend and my local indoor range. Traffic normal, plenty of product on the shelves (especially handguns). Prices up $50 - $100 depending on product. Full spectrum of long guns and ammo. No evidence of any panic buying post 911. PA is a very gun friendly state and so those that want to own already have and those that don't sit in fear crying for Big Brother to protect them.



New member
Lots of new buyers at the stores, new shooters at the range. Especially women shooters. It's good, strength in numbers!

Pittspilot, a half hour of snaprolls and cuban 8's will take those libs off your mind :D


New member
"Glocks are hard to find in my area. Last week the local gunshop got in a new G27. The owner said his wholesalers had only G27s and G29s in stock (he passed on the G29). Prices are up $20 per gun as a result (from $509 to $529). "

That is exactly what I found a week ago. My father, who is 72, wanted to buy a handgun for his upcoming CCW, and liked the Glocks I have. We rented a Glock 26, which he really liked, and then drove the next day to my favorite gun shop in College Station to pick a G26. This store has always had a large selection of handguns, and always several of each model Glock. This time however, they only had a total of maybe 10 Glocks in the store, and no G26's. They said that Glock claimed distribution problems were at fault, but the store owner suspected (via info from other sources) that the shortage was due to lots of Glocks being diverted to govt. sales post-September 11. Anybody hear soemthing similar to this?

BTW, at my recommendation my father ended up buying a used Kahr P9, and is very happy with it.

Malone LaVeigh

New member

Don't know about handguns, you can't get any in Davis anyway. But you can still get really good deals on long guns right down at the Big 5 on Covell. This is not a plug for Big 5, BTW, I prefer to buy from small, non-corporate shops where the person behind the counter has a clue about what they're selling. But it seems that the prices in the weekly specials have been especially tempting lately; I almost picked up a Mossberg last week.

As far as Davis is concerned, the place was great before the city council sold out to developers. I've been here since '86. Great place to raise kids.

But then there aren't too many places a green, civil libertarian, free-market social democrat, anti-war, RKBA Zen Episcopalian can feel at home.


New member
Sorry for Delay

My first year of law school, they keep you busy.

Malone said

But then there aren't too many places a green, civil libertarian, free-market social democrat, anti-war, RKBA Zen Episcopalian can feel at home.

I think Churchill said that is "a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma" ;) Thats great, where do you go and shoot.

Songdog Said

Pittspilot, a half hour of snaprolls and cuban 8's will take those libs off your mind

I wish, I have not been able to fly in a number of months, and any time I get too, the FAA regulations come down in force and I can't. I do need it I think.

Mithirium Said

My wife is thinking about Law School there too, what are your thoughts? I doubt anybody from Davis is running out to buy guns.

Its a good law school, but relentlessly liberal. There is not one Conservative Professor on the Campus, and the Conservative or Liberterian viewpoint is frequently not welcome by a sizable minority of professors and students. They are close-minded, but I am trying not to let it get me down.




New member
Malone LaVeigh

I am confused. Whats a "civil libertarian"?
Is that a small "L" libertarian?
Or is it the type for the buffet style Bill of Rights? You know pick and Choose, just like the ACLU.
Plus Free Market Social Democrat make me think of Klintoon and Gored.
"Green" makes me think socialist with the accent on 'commie'.
I'll try leave the "AntiWar" thing mostly alone but hope you're for violent defensive action, I think we're all fully AntiWar.
I also politely leave the religion alone too as i'm also familiar with buffet portion of that too. I guess some terms just need some explanation.
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New member
This store has always had a large selection of handguns, and always several of each model Glock. This time however, they only had a total of maybe 10 Glocks in the store, and no G26's. They said that Glock claimed distribution problems were at fault, but the store owner suspected (via info from other sources) that the shortage was due to lots of Glocks being diverted to govt. sales post-September 11. Anybody hear soemthing similar to this?

rock jock I had the day off today so I went window shopping. Biggest gun store in my area is also regional distributor/master dealer for Glock. He had maybe 12 Glocks in the entire building that were non LEO. 3 of those were used, the rest was a mish-mash of 10mm, 357 sig, and "C" models. He had no .40s at all. The HK situation was worse. He didn't know when he would get more in. Glock is filling LEO orders first for the Nat Guard and security units at the airports and various other agencies that are upgrading their equipment. They told him they didn't know when they would be caught up enough to start having regular supplies in stock for non LEO purchase.

No ammo "on sale" either. Checked a couple of smaller stores and found the situation similair.

On an interesting side note, places I went had a surplus of S&W.
:barf: Funny, I though the key point of their deal with the devil was that they would get preferred vendor status.:rolleyes:

Malone LaVeigh

New member

I think Churchill said that is "a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma" Thats great, where do you go and shoot.

I thought Churchill was talking about Russia there. Though I suppose some might equate that with God's Country (Davis, that is ;) ) I actually just moved back here last year after living in Grass Valley for 4 years. I still mostly prefer to take my son up to the National Forest and find a landing with a good cutbank. We go down to the Shooting Gallery in Vacaville about once a month, but I prefer outdoors. I have just learned about the range out by the Yolo Co. airport. It's run by a club that you can join and then use the range for very reasonable rates. I'm going to try to get the boy to go out there with me tomorrow to check it out. I might get called away for work, though. Do you know anything about the range in north Davis? It's run by the PD, but I've heard it's available by reservation.

I don't know enough about the Law School to comment, but I came here to study natural resources as a pretty radical leftist. My undergraduate work moderated me a lot, and the professors I had were probably the main influence in that. Maybe you'll have the same good fortune.


some terms just need some explanation

Fair enuf, I really didn't mean for it to be taken too seriously, just trying to give some flavor of Davis.

civil libertarian - Definitely small L. I mean the whole 10 amendments of the BOR and a few more implied rights such as privacy. Seems to me that folks on the left and right always do the "buffet" thing and choose the ones they like.

free market social democrat - Well, first of all, market forces are real and powerful and shouldn't be messed with unless there is a good reason. On the other hand, when there IS a good reason (I think we can all agree on the military and probably the highway system, maybe not on health care or utilities), then it's equally foolish not to consider the social good. This is stating the obvious, I know, as very few are dogmatic enough in either direction to think that market forces ought to be ignored or followed slavishly. But I think identifying yourself with either end of the spectrum takes a lot of thought out of the decision process. As far as C & G are concerned, I don't consider them different enough from the current den of thieves to notice.

green - Please don't take this personally, but I get frustrated sometimes that some people seem so indoctrinated into the political status quo that they must see any interest other than knee-jerk corporate industrialism as "commies." Please consider that there is a wide spectrum of thought that is not captured well by the simple left-right model. It's really where most people hang out most of the time.

Well, I'd say more, but I've already gone on too long, and don't want this to become about me. Apologies, pp, if I've detracted from your original subject, but since Davis was part of it, I had to bite. Maybe see you at the range some time?


New member
No problem

Maybe we can go shooting sometime?

I have not heard of the Davis range, but I did go down to the sportsmans club by the airport, and found it to be very reasonably priced, and populated with nice folks.

The trick for me is getting time to get away....A friend of mine from law school wants to shoot, even though he has never done it before. I am converting him from anti-gun


New member
The guns shops around liberal Seattle are packed and it's hard to find an AR-15, Mini-14, any black rifles. The hunters bought up the shotguns.

Buckshot is a little harder to find as are shotgun slugs.

Things are getting back to normal but the shooting range is real busy.

Watch out for newbies - they do kill people every year.