Well this is really special... New app for tracking gunowners...


New member
I heard about this on my local forum. The consensus there seems to be get the app and flood it with fake data, mark everywhere you go, entire neighborhoods etc. Seems reasonable if its a free app.
Their site must be absolutely slammed, because I've been trying to download a 399 kb app for nearly 15 minutes, and it's less than 80% done.
Holy crap!

NO doubt about where they stand with a statement like this...

"It is safe to say that serious NRA members and their homes should normally be of no concern to you, even as their political radicalism helps makes (sic) the gun violence epidemic worse."

And here they do the gutless wimp out...

"Finally, there is at least one particular situation in which you should certainly not use the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker. If you have direct, personal knowledge or even a suspicion that guns are being used in context of organized criminal activity, then it may be extremely risky for you to mark related locations."


Mr. James

New member
Well, that tool at the Roanoke Times already deemed us the equivalents of sex offenders, so what the hey. But this is a noxious, malignant, malevolent application. Since I've already upset Mike Irwin this week, I'll desist from further comment! :p
Well, in about 30 seconds, one thing becomes interestingly clear...

It looks like you have to be actually AT the site where you suspect dangerous/illegal/etc. gun activities to be happening to mark it.

I can't figure out a way that I can move the marker.

What a complete and total crock.

Ah... Yep.

"Because the Walkingtools Gun Geo Marker only allows you to mark a site at which you are physically present, you must feel comfortable enough to stand in that actual location and operate the user interface, for perhaps up to a minute."

Really spectacular design there... :rolleyes:
Wow. It's an app for falsely stigmatizing people I don't agree with by posting their personal information.

So, um...FaceBook. Got it.


New member
I'd like to mark a couple gun free zones.

Because there is no firearm activity more unsafe than criminal activity, and only criminals carry in gun free zones!


New member


Active member
Lets see - seems like anyone can add anyone to the "un-safe gun owner list. Hmmmmm, I wonder what happens when some 16 year old kid decides to upload all of the addresses of everyone in the cities of Washington DC, Chicago and New York? Just for kicks and giggles??? Maybe your Congressman will use this data to realize just how many gun owners there are and be more sympathetic to the 2nd Amendment cause.

It looks like you have to be actually AT the site where you suspect dangerous/illegal/etc. gun activities to be happening to mark it.

I can't figure out a way that I can move the marker.

Leave it to some creative 16 year old hacker-type kid; someone will figure out a way around this.

Hey, look at it this way, it will help keep the antis out of your state, and from moving in next door to you. I don't see this as a bad app at all.
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Even better, I'm sitting at my office right now and...

Apparently my phone is still at home in Virginia, because the "location" of an unsafe gun isn't budging.

And, even better, when I opened the ap, I get this breathless screen splash...

"There are reports in your area! Use zoom to see them!"

So, out I zoom and... NOTHING.

Not a single report in probably the 5 square mile area around my home that is shown in the app.

Really..... useful.

Spats McGee

Mike Irwin said:
. . . . Then I just might upload the location of all of the local police stations...
That's priceless! :D

Just don't forget to upload every courthouse, probation office, gun store, range, farm, detention facility, military base, and the offices of the ATF, DEA, FBI, SSA, . . .

At some point, a thug with a smart phone and a penchant for stealing guns is going to get nabbed with this on his phone. The legal fallout ought to be interesting.


New member
Downloaded it and rated it with a 1 star...the app doesn't work very well and on my entire drive home I have yet to see a single "dangerous gun " pop up.

I almost wish they would add me so I can sue the pants off of them.

Even better, I'm sitting at my office right now and...

Apparently my phone is still at home in Virginia, because the "location" of an unsafe gun isn't budging.

And, even better, when I opened the ap, I get this breathless screen splash...

"There are reports in your area! Use zoom to see them!"

So, out I zoom and... NOTHING.

Not a single report in probably the 5 square mile area around my home that is shown in the app.

Really..... useful.

Pretty much my observation you can't really move the app and the GPS doesn't update very well either...a totally useless app.


New member
So is it incumbent on us to produce an app that maps burglar-safe zones where burglars will not be injured by firearms in workplace-related violence?
Many folks are tagging everything they can throws off the entire thing.
I cannot articulate how disappointed I am in folks for doing that. It totally ruins the effectiveness of the application.

Shame, I say. Shame.