Well, I AM Headed for Texas!

Jeff Thomas

New member
Thank you.

nemesis, dumb question, but ... what do you mean by the "valley"?

Barn Dog, thanks for the explanation re: the basements ... makes sense based upon some of the comments we're hearing about foundations.

Regards from AZ


New member
Nemesis is talking about far south Texas. That's the "valley". Check your state map for the area around McAllen, Harlingen and basically everywhere south of Kingsville.

Texas is big and we have it all.....the valley, our own coast line (checkout South Padre Island down in the valley), the Piney
woods of East Texas, the rolling hills and hill country of central Texas, the plains of west Texas, the Big Bend Country, the farmland of central and north Texas.

Bring all the guns you like........


New member
"The Valley", of course, meaning the lower Rio Grande alluvial flood plain. The last time I looked out the window, I didn't see anything taller than a mound or deeper than a ditch. The real valley lies west of the Pecos.

Ah, but don't let that keep you from paying us a visit. As King mentioned, there's a lot to see and do around here.

Oh, and as far as:
Don't worry ... I know I'll never be a "Texan"
Hah! That's exactly what I said when I came down from Indiana. :)

Welcome to the Lone Star, Jeff!


New member
What King said.

Also, my 35$ CHL class at TDSA covered everything. Photos, 2 print cards, everything.
When I walked out the door that afternoon it was ready to go in the mail.
They helped the students fill out the paperwork before we left to make sure it was done correctly.

Like I said it was a drive to get there and their classroom is not the Ritz but it was a great deal all the same.

Why did someone have to mention chicken fried steak??
Now I'm starving.



Tim Currie

New member
Now, the important question ... I know you folks take pride in your chili, and I certainly enjoy that dish, but c'mon ... where do we find great Mexican food in north Dallas.

California was never a serious potential destination.

Yeah but we got some great mexican food out here


Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, Tim, no offense, but ... my right to self defense trumps my love of Mexican food.

I don't trust a state that doesn't trust me to defend myself and my family.

Besides ... I'm not going to sell a firearm or magazines because some nutcases with idiot IQ's run your state. In my book, CA deserves zero funds from me. Just my perspective. I understand some folks love it there, and there are lots of good people in CA. But I could never bring myself to put up with that crap. And, I won't subject my kids to that BS either.

Regards from AZ


New member
As a Californian... I take insult to the fact, that you had basically a blanket slate in which to rip on the Californian gun laws... and you did nothing but merely say California was never a realistic destination... :D

Happy huntin' in TX!


New member

I actually just put an offer down yesterday on a house in Pearland. It is in a subdivision called Cobblestone. I can see that Pearland is where you are also from. I have the intention of Joining PSC once I get there. Maybe I will see you around.



New member

can't beat that deal for $35.............the only classes I could ever locate for that price was just classroom instruction and qualifying on the range.

FYI...The range qualification is 50 rounds...20 from 9 feet, 20 from 21 feet and 10 from 45 feet. And they have you load and fire your weapon with a prescribed number of rounds in controlled format (load 2 rounds, you have 10 seconds to aim and fire, load 5 rounds, you have 10 seconds, etc).

And, it's against a silloutte type target of a man's upper torso and head. If you can't qualify on the range, you probably should not have a gun.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Gee, twoblink ... didn't mean an insult to the remaining good folks in CA, but ... I thought CA's outrageous gun laws were, well ... obvious. ;)

Regards from AZ


New member
Jeeper, welcome to Pearland. I live over on the west side near 288. If you are going to buy in Pearland I highly recommend flood insurance. There is so much development going on in and around Pearland and it can and does flood around here that it is cheap peice of mind.
There is another TFL'r who goes by the handle of Drundel (aka Brad) who lives over in Freindswood who is a member of PSC.
I am a member over at GHGC http://www.greaterhoustongunclub.com/
Happy Moving!


New member
When you get settled in TX, join the Texas State Rifle Association. The TSRA is a good organization with a record of success at the State Capitol.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Thanks again.

Yes, ,I definitely will be joining TSRA. Met Alice Gene Tripp, TSRA Legislative Associate, at a Gun Rights Policy Conference. Very nice, no nonsense woman who represented Texas so well.

I see so little in Texas that disappoints ... with the notable exceptions of Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ann Richardson ... :rolleyes:

Regards from AZ


New member
Hey, welcome.

I moved to the DFW area a little over a year ago, in search of a technology job.

The Irving area isn't bad, especially up in the Valley Ranch section, north Irving. You should expect to pay about 1,100 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment though. you can get off cheaply for a while if you settle right in the middle of the DFW area, in HEB (Hurst, Euless, Bedford). You can get a 2 bedroom for around $640 a month.

This place is CRAWLING with huge profitable companies, but jobs can be sparse, depending on what you are looking for.

When you get down here, lets go shooting!

Wil - Head Geek In Charge


New member

I will also be over toward the 288. I forget exactly where the house is that I bought since I dont know the area all that well. Thanks for the link to the club. I was planning on getting flood insurance.