Well, I AM Headed for Texas!

Jeff Thomas

New member
After many interviews, including a trip to corporate HQ in Florida, it turns out I will be headed for a new career in Dallas, Texas! I'll reread the thread we discussed some time back when I was considering this move, and I've done a search on various moving advice (I would really hate to have to discuss my firearm and ammunition collection with a state trooper on the side of the road somewhere in New Mexico ;) ).

We'll probably end up buying a home in Plano, Frisco or some nearby community. I hoped to get a home with a basement (which could be partially converted into a gun safe), but basements appear to be relatively rare in Dallas. Any suggestions on where I can get the best CHL training in Dallas? Trying to find out the details, but I gather I can probably use my AZ CCW permit until I'm a Texas resident for 6 months.

Now, the important question ... I know you folks take pride in your chili, and I certainly enjoy that dish, but c'mon ... where do we find great Mexican food in north Dallas. ;)

Soon it will be "Regards from TX" I suppose. Life does take some unusual turns.

And, don't worry ... I know I'll never be a "Texan", but I assure you -- Texas was an acceptable state precisely because they seem to generally appreciate individual freedom and personal responsibility. California was never a serious potential destination. I hope my family and I can contribute positively to the voting "gene" pool. ;)

Regards from AZ (for now)



Try "The Bullet Trap" (972) 881-0372. They are right in Plano. That's where I shoot when I'm in TX either on business or visiting my shooting buddy in Dallas.


P.S. Congrats on moving to TX


New member
Glad to hear you are moving to Dallas, we need more Gun Minded People here.

There are a lot of places to get your CHL in Dallas. I went to http://www.safeshot.com for my CHL, and Sgt. McGuire was really good. The only downside is that he is in Fort Worth.

BTW: Look in Little Elm it is just west of Frisco and there are a lot of new homes being built and you can get a lot more home for your money.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Welcome to Texas, Jeff - - -

thumbtack mentioned Little Elm--It is pretty spread out and rural, but in that general vicinity is a public shooting facility called Backwoods T.R.A.P.S.--Handgun, rifle and LOTS of shotgun ranges, including Sporting Clays. 972-346-2825. Friend of mine, Terry Kimbell. teachs CHL courses there. Lots of other good places around, but they are close to the area you mention.

One caution, though--You should obtain Texas CHL as soon as you are eligible, right after you fulfill the six-months residence requirement. This is UNLIKE drivers license, which is honored until you establish a regular residence, (and, usually, for brief but flexible time thereafter,) at which time you are no longer a "visitor." Not much hassle, though--takes a full Saturday of class room and range, and you usually get to meet some nice people.

Hope the move goes smoothly for you.

You wrote, And, don't worry ... I know I'll never be a "Texan", . . .
You can be, if you decide to be. (Different from being a "wannabe.") Texas is a state of mind, not just geography. Drop a PM or e-mail when you arrive--We'll talk about shooting and where to eat Mexican food and stuff--


EDIT--I originally put some wrong information in the above italicized paragraph. SORRY if I misled anyone. JPG:eek:
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Jeff Thomas

New member
Friends, thank you for all of your suggestions and advice.

Johnny, you bring up an interesting issue. As I understand it, I cannot get a Texas CHL until I have been a resident for 6 months. I called DPS this morning, and they said I could use my AZ CCW permit until that 6 months has passed. So, I assumed I would get my Texas drivers license as soon as possible. However, if things are as you state, it would appear that Texas would insist I be defenseless for 6 months while I establish residency ... I would hope that is not the case. Hmmm. We'll see.

Regards from AZ

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Jeff---I apologize.

That's what I get for trying to write while carrying on two other conversations. What they told you at DPS is, of course, the correct information. I MEANT to insert "as soon as you are eligible," UNLIKE your DL, etc. I was distracted, and I am sorry. I am a CHL instructor, and I have a duty NOT to perpetuate erroneous information. I'm very glad you caught that, and I will go back and edit it.:eek:

All the rest, about the places to go, and welcome to Texas, are correct.



New member

I am also moving from Arizona to Texas this summer. I am moving to Houston though. I was just out there this weekend trying to find a house. I plan on doing the same as you mentioned with my AZ CCW. I’ll wait the 6 months and then get my Texas one. Good luck!


Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
Jeff & Jeeper.
Good luck on your move, though I do hate to see like-minded people leaving Arizona.

As a sixth-generation native, I'd hate to leave, but in the last few years we have become so kalifornicated I'm thinking 'bout Texas myself.


Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
And welcome to you, too, Jeeper - - -

I hope you make a rapid adjustment to the humid climate of Houston, after coming from high, dry, Arizona. I grew up in El Paso, and moved to Fort Worth one June long ago. My first summer in Central Texas nearly did me in!

You, too, Denny, if you decide to make the move from Arizona. Right-thinking Americans always welcome in the Lone Star realm. For a while there, they were calling Dallas "Detroit South." Apologies to the proper Michiganders, of which I know there are many.

Best of luck,


New member
Backwoods has a very good outdoor rifle and pistol range too. There are several indoor ranges scattered in the area. I shoot at DFW Gun Range a lot. Kinda dark but close to work.
I would wait till I got here to decide the housing issue. Drive times really very depending on where you are and where you are going.

I paid $35 for my CHL class at TDSA south of Dallas. The DPS part is the same no matter where you take the class ($140).

Dallas has many places that have excellent Mex and Tex/Mex food and some very respectable BBQ places too boot. Great thing about buying firearms in Dallas or FW is no waiting period.
They do the check while you wait and you are on your way. Ditto for gunshows from what I can tell.
Welcome to Texas.


Jeff Thomas

New member
Gentlemen, thanks again. And Johnny, I'm glad I can use the AZ CCW for the 6 months of residency. Considering how logical and decent most Texans seem, I expected that to be the case with TX law.

Denny, unfortunately you've got that right about AZ politics. While the job is a massive opportunity, the change in AZ is certainly a factor. There is a little bit of me that feels as though AZ left me, and not the reverse. Our politics here in the last few years have become discouraging. Grew population by 40% in the last decade, while state government grew by roughly 90%. Very sad. Immigrants have worked hard to bring liberal politics here, and I really don't know what to expect in the future. The AZ Republic is no longer AZ-owned, and they push liberal politics, NEA propaganda and higher taxes with every edition. All of that has been exacerbated by the exit of too many public and HQ companies. Bottom line ... this job is too good to ignore, and AZ just isn't quite the home it once was. Still, I will miss a great deal ... saguaros, the smell of creosote in the rain, the mountains and the wildlife. But I'm sure I'll find much in Texas to admire, and so, we go.

Thanks again.

Regards from AZ


New member
Jeeper, on which side of Houston are you lookin' for a house. Many folks around here consider the areas around Spring and Conroe more of a suburb of Dallas than Houston.
As far as bein' a Texan goes many people you run into around Houston are usually from someplace other than Texas.
I am afraid you two Arizonan's may get a little shock from how liberal Houston and Dallas are. I know Texas has a pretty conservative reputation but we still have an excessive share of wild eyed liberals especially around Houston.

slick slidestop

New member
A friend of mine moved to Burleson, it's not far from Dallas/Ft Worth and there are TONS of new houses on the market. I have only visited once, but I liked the area

Renounce your AZ citizenship and you too can be a TEXAN :D


New member
Welcome Sir! Check out northern Collin and southern Grayson counties for homes. Still lots of rural land here and a 45-50 minute commute to Dallas. (depending on where)

Small towns and friendly people with very good schools.


New member
Welcome to Texas gents......as a 4th generation Texan, I think you'll like it here. We're always looking for some like minded folks here.

Once you get here, you'll find that good Mexican food that you seek and don't forget "chicken fried steak".

Check around for the right deal on your CHL licensing. You can pay $35 or so for a basic 12 hours class but you have to go elsewhere for a passport type photo and finger printing and notary service. For about a $100 or so, you can find a package deal and get the whole enchilada at one place (class and the rest of it).

As noted, the license is $140 for four years or so. It will take about 60 days or more for the Dept of Public Safety to process your application (they are very thorough and very busy)......

Again, a big welcome to you guys.


New member
Welcome to Texas. We can always use a few more good men.

I expect there are those who feel otherwise but if you really want good TexMex or Mexican food, come down to the valley. Be sure to bring a gun.

Barn Dog

New member
Jeff, you will not find a house with a basement due to the settling and expansive soil around here. People have to keep an eye on their foundations the way it is to make sure the whole thing doesn't crack- something for you to make sure of and check out when you buy a house. A basement would just probably crack and fill with water - a indoor basement pool. :)

Shooting ranges are all over, Gibsons in Mesquite is good, you can shoot FMJ there. Plano/Frisco is a good place to live if it close to where you plan on working - you should get some appreciation in those areas. You can't go a mile without some kind of Mexican restaurant. CHL is not hard to get once you have done your 6 months as referenced before. Best of luck to you. Barn Dog.