Welcome THR refugees, hope you stay here with us!!!


For me, it's like the loaner car the auto dealership gives you to drive while they fix yours. It's clean, the stereo is nice, and it gets me to my destination, but none of my stuff is where it belongs, the controls are unfamiliar, and it just isn't mine.
TFL and THR both are only what you make them.


New member
Me too Strambo

but I am extremely pleased that the talk was right on on how great this place is! I think I have two places to go now. I have had really good advice here on my new "baby" (springfield 1911 a-1). Just wish Tuner was here...

Thanks for the welcome and hospitality! Fine home you have here!


New member

Thanks for the welcome. I like this board too. So much so I registered today. This be post #3 here.


New member
thanks for the welcome note. i gotta get my gun fix right? the only bad thing is now i'll spend twice as much time on gun boards and less time working. not that thats a bad thing. nice place ya'll got here. i'll definately be sticking around.



New member
And my old butt was getting pretty comfy back here at home. :D
I just hope that Rich and Derick manage to stay dry next week.