Welcome THR refugees, hope you stay here with us!!!

Any .45

New member
Welcome to all those THR refugees,

Funny how one problem can drive people to look for other places to post. Although when TFL was down recently I didn't post anywhere, I enjoy seeing new people here, even if there here just because THR is down. Well, welcome and hope to see you here more often. :D

Any .45


New member

Thanks for the words of welcome, Any .45.

Have to admit I'm amused, though ~ most of us THR refugees have been members at TFL a lot longer than you have, yourself.


One learns in life to keep silent and draw one's own confusions. -- Cornelia Otis Skinner

Any .45

New member
Well than that doesn't mean you does it. It was meant more to the new comer's and again that isn't you.

ohen cepel

New member
Good to be back!

Left when TFL went down and never really returned after moving to THR.

Will have to allot more time to spend at both now I guess :)


New member
Any .45

Another TFL Alumni here...
Good of you to welcome the new folks...

El Tejon did not eat all the fish ....word is "someone" used some for bait. Told that EL T fella we had a "magic pond"... throw a little fish in - get a a bigger pc of sushi in return. Ever seen a fella in pointy boots bait a hook using wooden sticks? Comical - until he actually does it. :)


New member
Refugee? I like that. I'm waiting for you guys to give me my complimentary blanket and sandwich. :p

You know after a hurricane the first thing to do is to take out all the meat from the freezer and barbecue it over a fire made with the tree limbs blown down in the back yard. Much better than sushi.


New member
Been a slight sorta ''role reversal'' thru circumstance!! Joined here properly some while ago after a long lurk period .... but THR became a permanent home ........ and when that is running time just does not permit equal exposure of both.

It is tho good to be able to enjoy this place in the interim .. also seeing many of my buddies here as well ... all part of the ''big family'' if truth known :)

Larry Ashcraft

New member
Well, hardly a "refugee", I still check in here a couple times daily even when THR is up. It's just that I was just getting to know these folks when TFL went down and everybody moved to THR.

Really nice of Rich, though, to put TFL back online. Gave us "refugees" a place out of the storm.


New member
I enjoy seeing new people here
Who's calling who a newbie? ;)

TFL was my first gun board home and always has a place in my heart.

But after TFL went down I moved on to THR and thats my main hang out.

I do come home from time to time. :)


New member
I'm mainly a lurker, but I got my start here on TFL. I do spend more time on THR but it isn't that one is better than the other. I guess I just got used to this place being closed down and sometimes forget that it isn't closed.

The Antibubba

New member
It isn't that this place isn't nice, but...

For me, it's like the loaner car the auto dealership gives you to drive while they fix yours. It's clean, the stereo is nice, and it gets me to my destination, but none of my stuff is where it belongs, the controls are unfamiliar, and it just isn't mine.

I appreciate the welcome, however. I just don't have the time for two forums. I do like the TFL archive for Searches, though. So I will drop in from time to time.



New member
I was a TFL regular during the early years under this and a previous user name, but after TFL went off line I switched to Oleg's site. I like both. THR has developed a flavor of its own and it will be interesting to see how the sites evolve.


New member
"Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool..." Don't remember the rest of the song, the '70's don'tchaknow ;) I have been remiss in posting on both of my fav sites. Still alive and well (I know... Johnny Winter '73) and tossing out a big hello to all my buds. Be safe out there.