Weird things the day after shooting...


New member
We were doing a convoy live fire exercise back in 2004 and I was a safety. We would ride on the non-firing side of the Humvee in the back seat unless the back seat guy was out of ammo, then we would stay on the firing side. So my buddy was acting as a safety in one truck and was riding on the firing side behind the TC (front-seat passenger to all the non-military types). The TC was firing an M4 and one of the pieces of brass ejected and got lodged between my buddy's chin strap and cheek. It was a pretty impressive second-degree burn, shaped exactly like a 5.56mm casing. :eek:


New member
"Many years ago...." actually, it was just after Christmas, 1979,
a buddy and I hauled his bass boat behind my pickup down to
Lake Guererro in Mexico. Just after passing through the 20
kilometer checkpoint south of Reynosa I happened to notice three
12 guage shotgun shells laying on my dashboard up against the windshield.

I remembered then, I had thrown them up there a couple of weeks earlier,
at the end of a day quail hunting. I had completely forgotten about
them, and fortunately for us, none of the Mexican border guards
noticed them, either.

They went out the window into the brush immediately.



New member
I go to Mass Maritime Academy up near Cape Cod...I shoot regularly with my buddies around that area, and one of my friend's mother's let him use her glock 22 to practice with at the range (he's from West Palm Beach, FL). Anyway, at the end of the semester (last spring) he packed up the glock and put it in his checked luggage, but never declared it at the airport (I guess he wasn't thinking he had too, what a dumb move!) Needless to say, men in suits took him into custody and made quite a scene. They interrogated him, but luckily he got his mother on the phone, and she took care of it! They ended up letting him fly the gun home somehow...:eek:


New member
Watched this from the side

When I was in batallion, we were doing a live fire movementto contact when the SAW gunner launched a casing that lodged between the chinstrap and my ranger buddy's face.

Burned a perfect 5.56mm shape on his cheek.


New member
When shooting at an outdoor range, that was a 45 minute drive from my home (lived in the city at the time). Drove home. Next morning I had a flat tire. Changed the tire, and didn't really look at. Put on the spare and took the flat to sears to get a new tire. The guy taking the old tire of the rim yelled at his freinds to look. A .45 casing was stuck in the tire and probably caused the flat


New member
I shoot a semi-auto .22 left handed so every once in a while i get a nice little casing burn in the crook of my elbow.

I bought a new (to me) truck last year and as i was shop-vacuming out the defroster vent on the inside i kept hearing things that sounded like stones being sucked into the shop-vac. when i cleaned it out there were a bunch of winchester super X .22lr shells in the vac. I find them in my truck all the time now because if i get out to shoot at gophers and have the window down they fly in the closed door onto the seat and floor all the time.
Heres one I NEVER forgot
Ok, sunday I had been at the range alllllllll day! I only have 22's and the shotgun is too expensive to feed. Getting on with it- at the endof sunday I was asked to clean up the 150+ 22 shells, with no garbage I put them in the only available pocket- the big zipper pocket in my jacket. So monday rolls around and I arrive at school happy and chipper from the day before and in HS we have some free time before first class. I was sitting around with my buddies and talking 'bout stuff, when one of my friends asks me if I have the lunch money I had borrowed from him a few days ago, I of course say yes and grope around in my pockets- I got yhatzee- ALL of the 150+ 22 shells canked to the floor making that "tinkling" sound, this attracted the librarian along with everyone else in the library. This wouldnt be bad in a southern school. I live in hoity toity liberal NY and let me tell you that day was hell, I kicked as many of the shells under the shelf for later disposal as the librarian appeared- she found one shell:eek: I was holding my breath and hopeing something would save me. Something did, the librarian being so liberal didnt know it was a shell and asked me what it was. I smartly responded with " that is a token of the nordic peoples, I went there this summer:eek: "
She handed it back to me asked me about my supposed trip to viking land and left. I tell ya i almost deposited excretory fluid onto the inside of my monochromatic jeans!
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Bud Helms

Senior Member
Originally posted by Varmint Eviscerator:
I tell ya i almost pissed my pants!

"Pissed your pants?" Good thing that was all you did or we'd really have been in for a treat, wouldn't we? I mean with your detailed description of events and way with words we would be reading about you pooping your pants, right? Of course you'd not sully the realism of your story with some grade school substitution for the real verb, right?

How about being a little more considerate with the language. Eh?


New member
Indoor range , dividers were carpeted. .45 ACP out of a Sig P220 bounced off the overhead and went down the front of my shirt. Who said I can't dance.
Same range , different day, .22 case bounced off of the divider and lodged between my glasses and the side of my face. I wore a "t" shapped brand on my face for a few days.


New member
Hot day on a Cold range

A couple were shooting at the bench just left of me, He was firing a Mini-14,(they DO sling brass) she was watching from the right (ejector) side when things suddenly got interesting...:D Yup, you guessed it, a casing bounces off the cage and directly in to her shirt, which she quickly removes...along with her bra ! She got a small burn ( It was hardly noticable):D