Weird things the day after shooting...


New member
Ok, so this is from a few months back, but it got me thinking...

A few months ago, I did some shooting over the weekend... On Monday, it was back to school for more boreducational stuff. I didn't really notice untill the end of the day, walking to the bus on concrete... But my shoe was making a "click, click, click" (no shoebomber jokes)...

So I get on the bus, and check the bottom of my shoe... I'd been walking around with a .22LR shell in my treads all day... In a public school!:eek:

That coulda been interesting if it had come loose... ("School finds munitions in hallway!", "Schools: Safe no longer!", [insert headline here].)

So here's the question... Anyone have a wierd post-shoot experience like that? One of those "gee, I really coulda freaked alotta people out" type moments?

Same thing has happened to me plenty of times with .22LR, however another time for some odd reason someone had put .223 ammo in my jacket pocket, and later that day I was scheduled in court. Not a big deal, as an LEO we take a different path in anyway, but I got to thinking "They would not be pleased to find out I had a pocket full of .223 ammo!" So I went and threw away the ammo during the recess after I found it.


New member
was out shooting in the back yard the other day with my stepson,
he was to my right loading his .22 marlin, i was shooting my AK, after
i fired i heard him hollering, kinda freaked out ..thought maybe he got hit
with a ricochet...was just (imagining how to explain that to his mother)
luckily it was an ejected shell...hit him right on the bridge of the nose
perfect half moon battle scar,he thinks it's cool,he knows now to stay farther away,althought that Romy kicks shells a good 25 feet :eek:


New member
Afew weeks ago my wife came to me with a 9x18 makarov brass and asked how it got in the washer. I thought about it for a minute, and the only thing I can figure is that some how at the range about a week earlier, that brass fell into the cuff of my pants.

How it hung in there through the rest of the day and then being tossed on the floor and into the dirty clothes is beyond me.


New member
Was shooting one day and the guy to the left of me was complaining he couldn't find some of his .45 brass,I even helped him look.A few days later went to clean out my shooting bag and found about ten .45 in the bottom of my bag:eek: :p

Guy B. Meredith

New member
I got back to the SF Bay area from a trip to Virginia, flying both ways. While unpacking I found a piece of .45 brass in my backpack. No big deal, but with all the silliness the TSA is reputed to have been involved with it gave me a bit of a start.

Same thing when I realized that I had been carrying a razor blade for years and had been through the TSA inspection umpteen times.


New member
Went to the range yesterday......later in the day I found a couple .357 shells in my jacket pocket.

Apparently they did'nt want to be left with all the other shells and hitched a ride home.

psycho nut

New member
My mom went to Commiefornia a few weeks back and when she came back she told me that she had found a shotgun shell in her bag. She didn't tell me if it was loaded or not. luckily they didn't find it.:eek:


New member
In the summer I always find .22 amd 9mm shells in my pockets. Even find shotgun shells in the car a few times usually after Thursday night practice.

Dan M.

New member
Before shooting

I've been trying to get a lunch time range trip together with a couple of pothers guys at the office. I passed one of the guys in the aisle and I passed he asked, "Are we going today?" We were both still walking so I replied a little loudly since we were getting farther apart, "No, I didn't bring my gun today." I got a few odd looks from people in nearby cubicles.


New member
I was vacuuming one day, and the vacuum cleaner suddenly started buzzing real loud. Then it went BANG!
A .22LR somehow got caught inside between the rotor and the body of the vacuum, and the friction heat set off the round.
The vacuum never ran right after that.

Alfa One

New member
Once I was shooting my .22 pistol and somehow one of the shells got into my shoe, it was hot. I was dancing to get it out whilst holding my loaded gun towards the right direction. I never unloaded a weapons so fast as I did then.


New member
"Once I was shooting my .22 pistol and somehow one of the shells got into my shoe, it was hot."

I was once shooting my M1 at a service rifle match. It was a hot summer day, and the guy to my right was wearing shorts. His sitting position was a cross-legged style. Guess what happened.



New member
I was sitting cross legged with a Remington 241 Speedmaster (it ejects from the bottom of the receiver) and a .22 shell got into my britches. Left a burn mark for a week or two. That was not fun.


New member

Just a couple weeks ago I stopped for gas after shooting at the range. I bought some beer, too, and the total was $30.10, so I gave her a ten and a twenty and went digging in my pocket for the dime I knew was in there. Unfortunately I also had a pocketful of .45acp brass! A few dropped to the floor and I could feel the eyes of everyone around around me getting wider and wider.

I found the damn dime, though! :) I probably wouldn't have needed it. I think people were ready to start handing over their wallets and purses at that point.


anyone remember when people used to put a .22 in the levi's jean tag (the lil red one)...but one too many boneheads leaving it through the wash convinced everyone to stop doing it back the 80s...


I've pulled brass out of my pocket while digging for change so many times its funny. I've left a box of ammo and a 45 magazine exposed in my work truck after having went shooting over the weekend and monday the customer followed me out to the truck to get the bill and seen them. Her husband was a gunny also so she just laughed and said he's done the same thing.

Destroyed one vaccuum by missing one primer on the floor.

My Molon Labe hat gets worn to work regularly and many customers have asked what it says. I explain and recommend the 300 Spartans movie, and tell them it's a 2nd Amendment slogan now. Most people are like "cool!" etc, but one lady (seemed really nice at first) just said Oh that's absurd who even needs guns and shot me a dirty look.:eek: Prolly wont hear from her again.


New member
Got home one time and found a .375 H&H ROUND in my bag. I have no idea how it got there. I don't own any artillery pieces:D


New member
Ejected a piece of 45 brass down the wifes shirt and it got lodged/lost in her bra while she was jumping trying to get it out. She got me back a few weeks later with a 9mm brass between my glasses and cheek.