we just have to do this.....

John G

New member
I just made my "Rosie" page. It took about five minutes. Doesn't she know the can of worms she's opened? I even changed the image linked to her page. My new site: http://rosie.acmecity.com/happy/316 -Spread the word.

-Live free or die

[This message has been edited by John G (edited April 28, 1999).]


Ya'lls attempts to tie up poor Rosies site is paying off. I've been trying to respond to the thread I started there, Repeal the second amendment now!!!!, and keep getting "connection timed out". :D (It's hard to covertly infiltrate a web site when your e-mail address is gunscustom@aol.com :D)
I've been checking out the sites and love them all. I wonder if they'll think the Gatling gun is an assualt weapon. :) Those things really should be legislated. So many senseless deaths are caused every year by those used in drive by shootings. You know they are the weapon of choice by most gang members. :D I wish I could afford one to put in the middle of my gun room.

One site left me a little confused however. DC I liked your wit. Liked your dog. (I thought she was cute, but then I'm a "softie" when it comes to dogs.) I thought your fathers Ruger #1 was beautiful. But until now I had thought you were one of the guys. You are definately NOT one of the guys. Wow. I think I'm in love. I've always favored June weddings. I'm thinking around the 15th. Is that good for you? :D :D :D



Since the two threads are becoming entertwigned (I'm not even sure if that's a word, but if not it's 4:40 in the morning and it damn well should be if it isn't :)) ya'll might want to check out my thread I need TFL members to back me up.....on the general discussion forum.


New member
No, I did not make that AT-AT walker gif. My good buddy John G sent that to me. Let's ask him where he got it. All of our sites are great.

Live Free or Die


New member
Ok, I guess I'll have to see if I can pull it off too. Gotta scan in some pictures and I'll need a little time. Unfortunatley, my older son is doing term papers and I got to give him preference. Maybe this weekend?


New member
Damn, there is a 1MB file upload limit. I couldn't upload a 16MB program I had. I guess I'll just upload the 0.7MB file a whole bunch of times under different names.

Ok, it might be my screwy computer, but when I went to rosie.acmecity.com to add something to my rosie site, I saw three or four firing line logos. Is there a hacker amongst us? Someone please try to verify this for me....
Live Free or Die

[This message has been edited by othermarc (edited April 28, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by othermarc (edited April 28, 1999).]


Moderator Emeritus

I went to the Rosie link and didn't see any TFL logos

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"


New member
Well, I have never done anything like this before but I gave it a shot. Might try to do one later. Hank
This is quite fun!
Just got an email from a friend who said this was great but that Roadie don't do guns!

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited April 28, 1999).]


New member
I NEED SOME HELP! I started building a page at Rosie's site but can't get my pictures to upload. Some of you computer wizards come to my rescue.


Moderator Emeritus

Log in and you'll be at the control panel....to make it easy, choose the "Page builder" (left oval button of the 3 buttons)...the next page will have a bunch of options like text editor, etc.....choose "Picture editor"
Then you'll see your page and all you have to do is click on the picture you wish to replace...that will bring a window that has 2 buttons says something like Choose our graphics and Upload yours....choose yours and a new page will allow you to select any pic in your puter....browse, find the directory and then choose the file....

Replace all you wish and remember to click the "Save" button after each replacement

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"