Way Too Much Gun!


New member
Isn't there something about "sporting purposes" that allows a 12ga around the same restriction? Call it a hunting rifle and ot gets around the destructive device classification?


New member
Because he can.

I hear you, but that's an awful lot of manufacturing and development cost to produce something not enjoyable to shoot with no practical application. Change either of those 2 variables, and I could understand it more.


Isn't there something about "sporting purposes" that allows a 12ga around the same restriction? Call it a hunting rifle and ot gets around the destructive device classification?

Those allow 10, 12, 20, and 28 gauge to be allowed - but they were grandfathered because of their historical prior use. Did he get prior allowance?


New member
I will pass, Thank You !
What is with the [Lock slowly-Lock slowly] instructions given?? Where would that caution have come from. I certainly know that i wouldn't want to be anywhere near if that beast went off out of battery! But i wouldn't want any other firearm too either.
Did I miss something ? Where are the external ballistics?? My BEX program will not operate with this computer. :confused:


New member

When I saw this the first person I thought of was you, I wondered if you were checking it out.

I believe this one needs a little more then a leadsled and limbsaver.

I'll tell you what, it would take two doped up professional wrestlers to get me to shoot that thing and I'm not sure they'd succeed. I guess the worse rifle I ever shot would have been the 378 Weatherby with 300 gr bullets or the .58 cal Zouave with 140 gr 2Fg...or perhaps that 45-90 Shiloh. I just can't get into pain. Them boys that fired that thing probably had bruises as bad as mine.