Way Too Much Gun!


New member
IMHO, JDJ is probably the greatest wildcatter of all times. He pioneered the use of high BC and slow heavy bullets & cartridges which have changed long distance shooting. His whisper line of cartridges are testimony, plus he has given us many great handgun cartridges as well.

I can think of a couple of gun scribes who are no longer with us would be pleased with his 950.:


New member
That's just Neat :D

Check out the history and background at this link. There's a neat little story about over powered rifles.

Once again you guys make my 900g .62 bullets seem under powered :rolleyes:

I wouldn't mind having that 950 if just to hand it to that smart ass at the range that says he can shoot anything ;)

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New member
I am still trying to figure out why this vid is EVERYWHERE this week all of a sudden. I think i saw it first a few years ago lol.


New member
It would have been nice to see the impact the bullet had on the target.

(And, of course, how it did when fired into ballistic gel :D)


Wow, I've broken my collar bone before...so no thanks.

On a serious note, isn't it illegal for civilians to have weapons that big? I'm pretty sure the BATFE frowns on 20mm artillery, and by my math, that's 24mm. Just wondering.

Although mounting a Phalanx on my front porch would definitely keep away solicitors.