Watch out for your "arsenal"

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Isn't it odd that the people who actually DO approach "arsenal" status are the very same people who DON'T use them against other people? Almost like guns aren't the problem or something?:eek:


New member
Arsenal???? That's no stinking arsenal...

Here's a picture of my arsenal...



  • mygarage.JPG
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Dust Monkey

New member
An arsenal is whatever THEY want to define it as. Hell, I keep at least 1000 of 45 on hand and agree with Tamara that it's just an afternoons worth of shooting. If you have more than 2 firearms and 50 rounds of ammo, you (according to THEY) you have an arsenal.


New member
Somebody should tell them that an arsenal is were ares are manufactured and stored - no the collection of arms themselves.


Staff In Memoriam;action=display;num=1236728452;start=9#9
This is a thread in my HOME outdoors forum and is based in central MO... the OP was spot on in his email and the reporter worded it different in the later news cast...
Mike Bush on Channel 5 at tonight's 6 PM news was reporting on the horrible church pastor shooting this past weekend. He spoke of the shooter's arsenal at his home. The shooter had 3 guns, 2 shotguns, a rifle and 525 bullets on hand..Mr Bush seemed to me to emphasize the the 525 when he reported the story.

I decided to write him about his report.

I will post his answer should he reply.

here is the note I sent.


I was watching your report on the terrible shooting at the Maryville, IL church and I was a bit disappointed in the way the so called Arsenal was reported, Stating that there was 525 bullets in his home. I am sure, and I could be wrong, but I believe that the bullets discussed were .22 caliber and although 525 sounds like a large amount of ammunition it is really just known as a Bonus brick of .22 ammo. A brick is normally just 10 boxes of 50 each... about $15 at most stores, about a short afternoon target practice for 3-4 guys.

I am a bird hunter and I appreciate when the media tries to show that they have a bit of knowledge of the items they are reporting... I buy ammo when it is on sale, at "before the season" or "end of season" sales. I may have 3 to 5 cases ( 250 shells/case) of shot shells on hand at anytime. It may be 500 or up to 1500 shot shells in my basement..

I am a law abiding citizen and I really become unhappy when the media grandstands on gun issues. I am not trying to discount the extreme nature of this mans actions. His unbelievably horrible acts at the church are not taken lightly by me or my family...I am thankful that his pistol malfunctioned and he was unable to cause more havoc on the church and the parishioners.


I will make this offer, if you feel uncomfortable around firearms, I will supply the ammo, the firearms and the location and teach you about firearms, safety, and marksmanship. Target shooting can be fun, wholesome and safe family entertainment.

And here is the final post...
Although I fell asleep, Mike Bush revised his report for the 10:00 PM news. He stated that the shooter had one box of .22 caliber ammo at home...

See It works if we give it a chance....


New member
Maybe he should be taught to be more specific. A couple guns is not an "arsenal", it is a "modest gun collection", at most. No more than a guy with a wife and a secret girlfriend on the side, has a "harem". Or a guy with two horses has a "herd". Or grandma's two budgies constitute a "flock". etc.


New member
I've got more than two guns and more than 'fity rounds of amo. I must have a hefty arsenal. The other guy's is wimpy.:D


Staff In Memoriam
Bud, That was a guy up in the area that did the email. He is a very good person and took care of my son while I was in the hospital after my crash which occurred as I left a labor day meet and greet with the guys from that board.
He got a great result from the reporter changing his report.



I think we all keep our arms for very complex reasons. To hunt for food, to continue traditions, uphold our rights, for the pleasure of mastering a skill, for the competition of it, if only with ourselves, to defend our hearths, home sna d loved ones. Certainly more than this small list.

If what I have is going to be incorrectly labeled an arsenal by anyone, it is my Arsenal of Democracy. If the liberal media want to incorrectly label small personal collections of firearms as an arsenal, I'll incorrectly label it for it's purpose; to ensure my survival.