Watch out for your "arsenal"


New member
I just saw another news story that headlines that the guy in Ill. that shot the preacher owned an "arsenal" of guns! Whoa-maybe a basement full of machine guns or LAW rockets and grenade launchers? 50,000 rounds of ammo? Rows and rows of pistols in racks and a rack full of AR's? NO. His "arsenal" consisted of two shotguns, a rifle, and about one brick of .22 ammo. As reported in the press. We are back to this bull crap again, reporters claiming like, two guns is an arsenal or something. A whole 550 rounds of .22 ammo? must have been stacked to the ceiling! :rolleyes: BTW I rechecked and the story has disappeared from Yay hoo after about 5 min, maybe from embarrassment?
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New member
His "arsenal" consisted of two shotguns, a rifle, and about one brick of .22 ammo.
Get ready for 4 years of increased coverage like this...the left wing press is just getting started...unfortunately. We had an " arsenal story" here not too long ago complete with pics of the evil guns...95% airsoft collection.:rolleyes: Only 3 or 4 real firearms.


New member
I think it's appropriate to write letters to the editors, in hopes they'll actually print them, commenting on such slanted articles on firearms. The local paper printed an editorial favoring additional gun control a few months ago and I responded with a letter countering their view point. The did print it and although I don't know that it changed anyones opinion at least it gave another viewpoint. The liberal anti gun crowd is more active than ever and gun owners need to do the same in a dignified, controlled manner.


New member
Yea, this kid was a real danger to society. BTW, the real guns were his fathers...they were placed on the table for the " show pic". That fact wasn't reported until 4 or 5 days later. At least they made the world safer for all those balloon animals.;)
I think it's appropriate to write letters to the editors
Indeed, at least we can make an attempt at keeping them honest.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Something else that you may not have noticed that I believe will be more noticeable for those that do notice such things ... the comment sections found at the bottom of many news articles are getting shut down after a herd of gunnies start pointing out the inaccuracies and spin in those type articles.


New member
Good point Bud, and yes I have noticed that a lot. I think they have an allergy to the truth.
I wonder what they'd call all the shoes in my wife's closet?
Just wait till she throws one at you...they will become an arsenal for sure lol.




New member
550 rounds of .22LR? That's not an "arsenal"; that's a Saturday morning at the range!
That's what I have rolling around loose in the bottom of my range bag! Maybe that's what I should do with my day off.... clean up my stuff.
I keep finding 22lr everywhere.

I can't imagine what the media would make of my "arsenal," and I am sure it pales in comparison to most on this site.
Heck, I know of at least one person on my street who probably has a significantly better collection and 2-3 who might.

By better I mean more expensive. I am the only one on my street that has a K31, so mine is obviously the best!!!