Warming up to 44 Spl - we need more choices


Member Emeritus
Looks like the one I was referring to may be another 2-3 months, but will involve two different barrel length choices.

P5 Guy

New member
Yes, that is so StephanieB.
I was answering the question on 'L' frame 44s. S&W made the 696 (-1 and -2) on the 'L' frame. They have become very desirable revolvers in some circles.
If you want to have an 'L' frame based 44 you will have to find one of the three versions of the 696 or settle for the model 69. I think you'll find all of these 'L' frame 44s running about the same price.


New member
My first .44 Spl. was a Snap's Gun Shop conversion of an M28 (Highway Patrolman). It was a great gun, enjoyed it for many years and then had to sell it to finance grad school.
My current .44 Spl. is my 5-banger, S&W 696 with a three-inch barrel built on an L frame of course. Please excuse the sight black on the front sight...I did not clean it off for the picture. Notice that the hammer spur has been removed (A three inch barrel is a self-defense gun...a hammer spur on a self-defence gun makes no sense.).


New member
a hammer spur on a self-defence gun makes no sense.

It does to me. I have 5 S&W DA/SA revolvers (one of which (a .44mag 4" 5-shot Model 69) is one of my two primary-carry guns, and one of which (a .357 Model 360sc scandium/titanium ultralight snubby) is my BUG). I never shoot ANY of them DA ... for me, DA is purely an emergency mode for when a bad-guy (or bad-bear) is within arms' length of me, and closing fast.


New member
I never shoot ANY of them DA ... for me, DA is purely an emergency mode for when a bad-guy (or bad-bear) is within arms' length of me, and closing fast.
It always amazes me that someone who does not practice DA shooting enough to become proficient with it, expects to be able to use it effectively in an emergency. Good luck with that.