Wal-Mart to start selling handguns in 2012


New member
Thinking it's not going to happen. In areas not too far from me they have cut back, or eliminated all guns, and ammo in several Wal Mart stores.


New member
Anything is possible I suppose. I would have never thought that Walmart would stock AR-15s either. Yet this last christmas season both sporter and M-4 clone AR-15s were on the rack.


New member
Black friday had huge gun sales and the market has been brisk since then -in an economy where everything else has been slow .So the potential for making money is there . That's of interest even to anti-gun liberals !!


New member
Truth or just a rumour?

I will believe it only after they do it! Some of the Walmart's in Texas
have No Gun Sign. I only go to the Walmarts that do not have them.
Even if they had guns I probably would not make a trip to look at them
as I hate being in big shopping centers.



New member
Almost all Walmarts around here sell long guns. I haven't seen any handguns in a Walmart in years. Probably because local gunstores have better prices as well as selection.


Some of the Walmart's in Texas have No Gun Sign. I only go to the Walmarts that do not have them.

I have heard many times that the corporate policy is to follow state law. I would report any store posting no-gun signs to corporate HQ. I have also heard that they are pretty good about setting individual stores in violation of corporate policy straight on things like this.


I dont support walmart and ill always buy from gun professionals

So you'd pay more money for the same exact gun and buy elsewhere, if Walmart carried what you were looking for? Just because of the person selling it?

I do my own homework and don't make decisions based on factors like that.


New member
Thinking it's not going to happen. In areas not too far from me they have cut back, or eliminated all guns, and ammo in several Wal Mart stores.

Actually, I read that Wal Mart is going to expand their sporting goods hunting and fishing sections in order to attract more men. I doubt that they'll start selling handguns though.


AH Walmart is not always the best value or price and yes
unlike most americans I will pay extra for value,service .
guns and beyond

You folks that buy the lowest price are the problem not the solution
The reason this country is in the whole is because of overseas MFGing and
Walmart and stores like them...
I am not saying you have to spend 100 bucks more for your glock
but I assure you walmart wont be cheaper on a glock and yea
I would pay a few bucks more where my purchases are not oly appreciated
they support mainstreet ..........screw walmart

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus

It's ok to buy an Austrian gun but we have to pay a local retailer more for it because he's got an FFL so that makes him a "gun professional"?

That's your solution to overseas manufacturing? :rolleyes:


You cannot make assurances like that regarding the pricing of Glocks- how would you know something like that?

I didn't say they always have the best pricing, and there's no reason to pay more for something just because it's at one store versus another.

If you want to pay higher prices because you think you're getting better appreciation, go right ahead. That means nothing to me in the end, because if I need service after the fact it will probably not be done by the selling store.

My local gun stores happen to be very overpriced. If they can be in the ballpark, I'll consider buying from them. But in most cases they can't even come close.


New member
I sill have yet to see a single firearm for sale in a Walmart. Here in New Orelans, there are at least 5 Super-Walmarts that I've been too and they don't have any guns... just a small ammo selection and some cheap scopes. I can't recall ever seeing any in Virginia Beach either.

I don't get to Wallyworld all that often, bu where are all these stores everybody speaks of with firearms and a wall of ammo?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I sill have yet to see a single firearm for sale in a Walmart. Here in New Orelans, there are at least 5 Super-Walmarts that I've been too and they don't have any guns... just a small ammo selection and some cheap scopes. I can't recall ever seeing any in Virginia Beach either.

I don't get to Wallyworld all that often, bu where are all these stores everybody speaks of with firearms and a wall of ammo?

I've never seen a Walmart that DOESN'T sell guns. Some have better or worse selection but every one I've ever been in sells them.
Around here they usually have a turnstile of rifles (about 10 rifles), same with shotguns and a short aisle of muzzleloaders and supply's. There's also a short aisle of shotgun ammo, clay pigeons and throwers and a short aisle of locked up handgun and rifle ammo.


New member
Minot,ND has rifle and shot guns and a fair amount of ammo. But other than that I have only seen BP rifles in walmart and ammo selection sucks.