Wal-Mart, Sams Club Winchester safe


New member
I have one of these

And I am extremely pleased with it.

It is made by Granite, a company in Texas IIRC. They also make the ones for sale at Bass Pro.

The fire rating is OK, but not the best. The weight is close to 600# empty. It will hold around 20 long guns before you have to really work at getting the door closed.

There are better (much more expensive) options out there. But if that is the best you can afford/justify (like me) than you will be happy. Just like anything else, a determined theif can still steal you stuff, given enough time and resources.

I have no dehumidifier in mine, and have had no problem with rust. I also have central airconditioning, so drastic humidity/temperature swings do not happen. If you live somewhere that you leave windows open for climate control, you may want to consider a goldenrod or something similar.


New member
You were reading my mind about posting a thread on this safe. I've been looking around for about a month for a safe in this price range. For the price and the quality, I found 2. This one at sams and one at Academy. I've decided on going with the one at Academy. In fact, I trying to figure a way to pick it up today. The one at Academy is an American Eagle made by Cannon. On the outside, they both look nearly identical, except for the names on the outside. The only real difference was the hinges are on the inside on the American Eagle instead of on the outside. The Winchester also has the electronic combination instead of the dial. It's more convient, but I think it would be a problem if it broke. I asked the salesman what you do if the electronic one breaks and he said they have a 1-800 number to call. He said they have had several break and they call the company and they send a new electronic combination, but you have to wire it in. I also thought the quality of the inside was alittle better on the American Eagle than on the Winchester. It can also be adjusted from 14 to 24 guns. For $8 more, I'm going with the American Eagle one.


New member
Did you get it on sale at Walmart for $349 or did you get a discount on a floor model? I didn't realize they had them at Walmart also. I looked at the Same one at sams and it was $581. The one I was describing at Academy is $589. If the Winchester is on sale at Walmart for $349, if definately heading over there tommorrow.


New member
it wasn't a discount on a floor model.........they had 3 of them....2 of them were still in the box......me and my brother bought the last 2.


New member
Well, after reading this thread, I spent two hours after work tonight, checking the four wally worlds here in town, luckily at three of the four I spoke with someone who knew exactly what I was talking about and was easy to deal with. I was told they brought the safes in to stores, for holiday sales(not all, but most) and units that didn't sell through the holidays were discounted to $320ish in hopes they would sell them instead of having to return them to the warehouse. If any stores still have one, they're probably in the back of the store. They have been told to take them off the floor to re-use the area for other items, but the price is still honored until they sell or ship back the safe. Apparently they were seasonal, and some particular safe of that price range/quality is brought in each year for the holidays.

Needless to say, I sure wish I knew about this a week or two ago. One of the stores had 5 left in the back two weeks ago, and sold them all between now and then.

Weedsnager, just a shot in the dark here, but do you happen to have a Item Number, or UPC code, or Wal-mart Sku from your purchase? Just talked to another store not as close to me as what I checked in person, and the manager I spoke with said if I had that information, preferably the UPC code, they could check all stores in the region (up to 150 miles) to see if any of the stores show any on hand still. (crossing fingers)
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New member
I checked on all the Sam's clubs here in Oklahoma on their site for availablity. Pick-up price listed on site is $581 for all Oklahoma sites. Does the store manager better that price or is locale a determining factor in this $300 range price?


New member
I was in the market for a safe back in Dec. when I sold an older car I decided not to restore. Did a LOT of quick research to get the best bang for the buck in safes. I found that unless you are spending upwards of $4000, the Winchester will offer just as much protection for the "smash and grab neighborhood punks" as the $1300 high gloss painted Libertys or other similar RSC's on the market. So with the pocket full of cash, I drove to the nearest Sam's Club, joined for $40 and bought two safes. One for me, and one for the guy that bought me the car three years ago that I decided not to restore. I got this guy hooked on guns, he started buying a few here and there, but he would never spend the money on a safe. With him having three kids in the house, and a lot of their friends coming thru the house, I felt that I had to get this for him. You should have seem me loading this safe in the back of a Honda :eek: ( Well, it was the Odyssey mini van:D )
It was exactly $620.00 each out the door with local sales tax.


New member
With him having three kids in the house, and a lot of their friends coming thru the house, I felt that I had to get this for him.

that's pretty much the reason i wanted a safe....protection from the kids and the kids friends.


New member
Thanks Weedsnager, I'm gonna call and hopefully I can get ahold of the same manager I spoke with last night, he was very helpful.

Okiefarmer, from what I understand here, if a Wal-Mart store has one of these safes on hand, leftover from bringing them in for the holidays, they are on clearance for around $320. They were seasonal at the stores, but still available at Sam's Club.


New member
My sams has 10 of them still in stock. $589, which is $110 off last months price.

I need another one! and a bigger house to put it in. Damn guns breed in those things and without careful stacking, I can't get the door closed.

Oh, the misery I must endure.


New member
Well, after trying the UPC he wasn't able to find any info. The guy I spoke with wasn't the same person I spoke with last night, but didn't seem as helpful either. I ain't giving up yet dangit, just don't where to go from here.

Two weeks too late, story of my life. lol

Harry Callahan

New member
I need one, too...

I'd like to get a good sized safe also as my firearms collection is getting larger. My only problem is that I really don't have the room other than in the garage. Now living in the Chicagoland area it gets very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer. I'm worried about condensation due to the temperature extremes. What's the best idea given my circumstance?

Go Bears!