Vote on the best semi-auto shotgun


New member
I'm partial to the Browning Gold/Silver line, and the Win. SX series, but choose Beretta's 390 as best bang for the buck.


New member
Saiga 12 is superior for almost any reason you could imagine. That said I believe this thread should be closed as there is nothing else to discuss about which shotgun is the best out there.


Saiga 12 is superior for almost any reason you could imagine. That said I believe this thread should be closed as there is nothing else to discuss about which shotgun is the best out there

Sure isn't superior in the looks or handling departments - not exactly the best for any upland hunting either; never saw one on the trap, skeet, 5-stand or sporting clay fields as well............

So superior how?


New member
"Sure isn't superior in the looks or handling departments - not exactly the best for any upland hunting either; never saw one on the trap, skeet, 5-stand or sporting clay fields as well............

So superior how?"

It might not be easy to handle for smaller people, and looks don't kill. Considering the AK operating system has unsurpassable duribiliaty and reliability it wins there too. And as far as fire power the only thing out there that comes close is the AA12, and since civilians can't own them it's as good as it's going to get for some time.


New member
sorry guys I didnt specify what I wanted to use it for! I want it for upland game with some sporting clays, and maybe a nice all around semi. Thanks for all the great reply's already! and a saiga is not on my list!


New member
I will still say the Browning Maxus. I used if for a couple dove hunts this year already. Light and easy to carry around. I have used it twice on the range shooting the wobble trap field and 2 rounds of skeet. It absorbs recoil good and it is light.


New member

Saiga 12 is superior for almost any reason you could imagine.

Hmmm. Showing my relative inexperience with shotguns - semiautos in particular - I though, perhaps, that was a joke.
For a "combat"/tactical weapon, the Kalashnikov system has much to recommend it.....but for most of us buying any gun like that would be a limited use thing. it's a combat gun primarily. Yes, I could use it for other purposes but such use would be a severe compromise in every case. That is true of the AK in general - going into battle? The AK system is battle proven. In any other arena - it doesn't do well. I have never seen an AK rifle in highpower matches....and evidently the Saiga/AK doesn't show up in any of the clay games.
At nearly eight pounds (like some other heavy semis), it's more than I'd want to carry in the upland all day.


New member
I have a Benelli M1 S90 for duty.
I have a Benelli M1 S90 for waterfowl.
I have a scoped M1 S90 for deer.
I also use a Benelli Montefeltro for trap/skeet!

The Benelli's have served me well for years and fit my needs. I have others but the Benelli M1's are what I trust and use!


New member
I vote for one of those auto-loaders that ejects the hulls right into my belt pouch every time. Life's too short to be wasting time policing up hulls to be reloaded. My R-1100 doesn't come even close, it tosses empties all over the place -- that's why it stays home when the O/Us go out to play. :)


New member
Zippy's right - picking up your hulls is a pain in the butt for re-loaders like us.

These days - most all of the big names in semi-autos - probably led by Beretta in the gas gun market - but Remington, Browning, Winchester are all making very good guns. In the inertia gun operating systems - Benelli has earned their durable reputation... But picking between these options / comes down to features like "adjustability" - that some models have, and some don't.

There a lot of other mfg's out there / mostly 2nd or 3rd tier guns ...with lots of issues popping up on this forum and others ( like Stoeger cycling issues ) ....

I know FN - owns both Browning and Winchester ....

I know Beretta - owns Benelli, Stoeger, Franchi, etc .....

Stay with the upper tier guns / and I don't know that you can make a bad choice / if it "fits" you or it has some adjustability.


I voted for the Browning Maxus (Winchester SX3 as well), but there is one "second tier" semi-auto that would be reliable as well and that would be the Mossberg 930. If someone does not not have the $$$ for the "best" the 930 would be a good choice.


Considering the AK operating system has unsurpassable duribiliaty and reliability it wins there too

Well, the Boss system has a record over 100 years old for reliability..many guns based on that system can run 100's of thousands of rounds before service - not even your Saiga will do that - it loses except for those who need mall-ninja capacity for unknown make-believe threats from the zombies...........sorry, some of us just don't go for that


Out of the box the Saiga is a good fun gun but it does not have a last shot bolt hold open so the detachable magazine is more of a liability if one is concerned with firepower - at least with a tube magazine you can keep on stuffing it full and pick a particular type of ammnunition to shoot at any given time. Also, the Saiga is magazine picky and it needs some tweeking to make it right and add parts for reliability and last shot bolt hold open and then you have a fantastic shotgun but at that point you could buy an M-4 or SX3 or SLP or Maxus which will shoot hundreds of thousands of rounds, as noted, without messing with it.
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